Friday, November 16, 2007

Celia Fenn's Earth Log 11/16: The Gateway of Love....and the Cosmic Fireworks Party.

Aloha All,
As usual it seems like Celia has been listening in on some of my conversations with friends and clients. I certainly have experienced a slow down of my sacred service and I have definitely been pushed by Source to slow down and be very present to what is around me. The most recent realization is that to honor that which is coming through me now I am to listen to the source within of every call to action, to speak or to connect with another. If I discern that it is from my own internal ego or personal need then no action is to be taken. If I can re-contextualize it into being in support of the highest good for all involved, then I may take the action that that calls forth.
Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed Is,


16th November : The Gateway of Love....and the Cosmic Fireworks Party.

This Earth Log entry is written partly in response to all those people who have written in to ask why, when everything seems to be speeding up, their lives seem to be slowing down. This comes from healers especially, who are seeing their client numbers drop rather than increase as we enter into this new phase.

So, here is the information that I have been given from Archangel Michael on this topic.

As you enter Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness, you will indeed slow down. As you slow down, it will seem that everyone else is hurtling past you at great speed. This has always been so, but you have been hurtling along at the same speed, and so now you notice...."hey, I'm going slower...I'm slowing down". And yes, you get panicky and anxious, mainly because you have to "earn a living" at the old speed, and you feel as though you are not "doing" what you should be doing. "Why is Spirit not using me at this important time?", many people wail in despair.

Well, Spirit is working with you. You see, dear Lightworkers, you have to pass through the Gateway of the Heart in order to get into Fifth Dimensional Spiral Consciousness, that place beyond the Linear Time "hurtle" forward, that place where Consciousness spirals gently into ever new levels of Becoming and Being. Archangel Michael has called this Gateway of the Heart, the "Diamond Portal".

As you enter into Heart time, you need to find that still point at your own center. You need to BE, in order to be able to Create in the new way.

So, as you enter into the stillness of your own Being, you will feel that slowing down, until you are at a point of complete inner stasis and nothingness...then you can create on the next spiral of consciousness.

Now, most people are terrified of that moment of nothingness that preceeds birth and creation. They do their best to deny it and escape from it, by rushing around doing things and finding things to do in order to fill the empty space. The more you deny the emptiness, the more you push away the very thing you desire. You have to enter the emptiness, the Cosmic womb within, in order to begin spinning out the web of creation from your own still center.

As you watch everyone else rushing by at high speed and seemingly intent on their creations, you feel, but what about me? I am not rushing and busy as well?

The rushing around is an illusion of "busyness", it is what is left over of the Third Dimension, when looking active and filling your time with action was considered a virtue.

In Cheryl Hutton's beautiful song "To Be One", that she channeled from her Higher Being, the Divine Essence says: "What are dreams and hopes, if you just can't cope,/ Or wings and prayers if you never dare,/I need you here and now, in this mystery,/To BE free. To BE free.

So many people are not coping because they are still trying to create in Third Dimensional Mind Time, and are not creating from Fifth-Dimensional Heart Time.

So, what is Heart time? Well, it is slow. It is a state of Being. As the song says, "I need you to be here and now, in this mystery". Be PRESENT in your own life, be PRESENT with others. Be intimate, be close, be loving, experience your life as it is and as you are. Stop rushing around...stop being busy....stop.

That slowing down is a gift. It says you are ready to create at the next level. Honor the gift and let go and trust.

Remember that we come from a society where the two main tendencies have been action and consumerism. You work hard and then you consume. Work, work, work, shop, shop, shop....etc.....This is modern life. An unbalanced rush from one day to the next, from one month to the next, and ooops its Christmas again.

Fifth Dimensional life moves gently and with grace. It is filled with a quiet richness and great Love. It stands poised on that moment when you realize that you can just BE, and that you are FREE from the constraints of the linear third-dimensional rat race illusion. The creation power of the Heart is far stronger. That is why Archangel Michael has spent so much time in the past talking about the power to manifest and be. That is why in Cheryl Hutton's dream she saw all those cars stopped at the side of the road. The road is linear time, and humanity just can't do that any more. It just doesn't work any more. It just exhausts the new Human Angel who is designed to spiral gently through the Cosmic fields of Light on the wings of Love. Hmmmmm...sounds good to me.

That means, going slowly and with grace. Having the time to notice others and to be with them and to really hear them. Never to "be too busy" to be with another human in grace and love. I am always disturbed when I get mails that start: "I know you are busy but could you....". It is as though people have this image of me rushing around being "busy" and that I have no time for another human being whose needs are somehow lesser. Well, I may be tired, I may find I can't fit in everything as yet because I live on my own and work on my own, but you can be sure that I do my best to be present with you. I try to read every mail that I get and to send Love on the Heart Grid of Unconditional Love, hoping that you will feel that, and not anger because I have not been able to answer you with a mail.

I want to say also, that healing is not necessarily the Gateway to the Fifth Dimension. So many people are so focussed on healing themsleves and recycling the pain of their childhood years. Please know that in this new Fifth Dimensional reality, what you focus on grows. If you focus on pain and anger, these will grow in your life. It is far better to FORGIVE and LET GO. Move on. The past is an illusion. Be in the present " "I need you here and now, in this mystery, to BE Free. To be FREE".

The Gateway to the Fifth Dimension is the Heart and Love.

It is that simple. Be in your Heart. Love from your Heart. Love yourself enough to be in the Quiet Space of Power and Creation and do not be afraid of it. It will lead you to your Heart's desire!.

And now, about the Cosmic Fireworks party. As you may know from Archangel Michael's Energy report for November, we are entering a powerful period of alignments in time and space. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 24th will usher in some powerful Light, yes maybe even more powerful that what we have experienced so far this month. Now, added to this potent mix is the "exploding " Comet, which is now apparently larger than the sun and is the largest object in the Solar system right now.

Thanks to Christine Saul of the USA, who sent me the information about Comet Holmes, as it is called. This an image of the comet, in relation to the sun. The image is taken from


Well, I asked Archangel Michael to channel something on the Comet, and the request was declined. I think sometimes that this energy is a little prudish, for the word I was given was "orgasm". Was that meant to be a joke? Well, not really, apparently the explosion of Comet Holmes is like a great explosion of Joy and Ecstasy as the Cosmos enters a new era of Light. does that affect us?

Well apparently, there is a lot of turbulence out there in the Solar system and that does indeed affect the Solar Light Body. It contributes to the instability that is already out there.

If we were a more organically integrated society, we would be out there dancing around bonfires and doing other joyous things to join in with this great Cosmic fireworks display. In that way we would be able to ground and run the excess of Light energy that many of us are feeling right now. It is why Archangel Michael always tells us to be joyous and to celebrate and to do rituals and ceremonies of Light and Joy.

You may feel the energy as an increase of your own energy, or as extreme tiredness. You may feel anxious or depressed as the energy "hits" your nervous system. You may, of course, also feel filled with great Joy if you are able to fully present at this Cosmic party.

So, for now, I guess, just be aware of the great surges of Light and Energy that are out there right now!

Celia Fenn

Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed IS,

Center of Light, Inc. Cell 703-338-6415
"Ecstasy is a Feeling that comes Only When the Heart is tuned to that pitch of Love Which melts it...Which makes it Tender...Which gives it Gentleness
Which makes it Humble" Hazat Inayat Kaan - The Sufi Message

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Celia Fenn's Earth Log 11/13: So....What do we Do Now?.....

Aloha All,
I resonate with this latest from Celia and will make some preceding comments.

Back in January our Councils told us it was up to us to inspire our selves in the manifesting of the paradise reality for our new multi-dimensional (MD) Earth, who I call “Cht'i-ai-a”. After recovering from feeling lost and moving into feeling empowered for this work, I began to notice how it was being impacted by my own need to take care of others first. It wasn't one big “aha”, rather a series of deeper and deeper cuts at the attachments to being needed and feeling unworthy of honoring me and my service first.

Almost concurrent with the recent new Moon and the 11:11 gate I was once again shown a deeper layer and the piece I saw here was how I had allowed my sacred service (professional life) to overlap my personal needs (private life) and they had become interwoven. The aha here was how this had thoroughly confused & intermixed my financial records as well as several relationships. So I am in the process of using much deeper discernment concerning these so that action comes from clarity of heart/mind.

My sense is that part of what Celia is pointing to is that to fully empower our Sacred Service in the new MD reality, we are to take care of ourselves first, having us be in full integrity with our selves/Selves in Sacred Union.

Celia Fenn' Earth Log for 13th November : So….What do we Do Now?……: The energy has certainly been moving and opening our Hearts. I have found that recently I am opening my Heart to me….what is it that I need and want to make me happy here on Earth, not what is it that everyone else needs from me. It is quite a new experience for me, and I am finding it quite difficult to turn around old behavior patterns that say “meet everyone else's needs first”, and to look to really meeting my own needs and making sure that I am ok.

Another symptom of this new place in which we find ourselves, is that people feel very lost. “What must I do now?”, they all ask. I get so many letters from people asking “What is my mission and what is my new soul contract”. The answer, of course, is always whatever you choose to create from the passion of your Heart and Soul. It is your Choice. It is that moment when you step forth as a Creator and make your choices.

But, we are all so used to being told what to do and being part of this great work, that now that it is completed we all feel at a loss. We have yet to take on our Personal Power and to begin to Create from our Heart's Desires. Why? Well, most of us are tired and a little disoriented right now, as our dialogue here has shown.

I received a letter today from Cori Horton who lives in Nova Scotia in Canada, at a rather magically named place called the “Dragonfly Inn”. When I received her letter, I though to myself, I could not have said it better. Cori and I have been chatting over the internet for a while now, and she has a lovely way of just putting her finger on what is happening. So, here is what she had to say:

Dearest Celia –

We, Lightworkers all, were asked to serve. And we did. Bravely, diligently we have toiled, many moved, body, mind and soul, to do the work we were asked; not in as much to “save the Earth” but rather to “save our selves” our work was as much a part of us as a limb… and we were glad to do what was asked.

And so we worked. We held the energy of eons, fostered new communication and we, as a community began to find each other… like minds and like hearts, we found we were not alone… but as the sages say “All One”.

On we toiled, together, working for the common good until one day – our task was complete. A task (it was thought) would take much longer was suddenly finished - ahead of schedule. And we were asked to stand by – until the time was right.

“Unemployed” we are suddenly – we at a loss.

Many are throwing themselves into a fit of despair as they look around the world to see that “everything has not changed”. Cries of “why” and “why not” and “what about us” echo in the sadness and despair.

Have we spent so much effort putting our energies “out there” that we have forgotten the first rule of the work? Take care of your SELF! We were asked before staring this journey to build our personal sustainable energies. In as much as eating junk food gives the body 'dirty fuel' indulging in thoughts well beneath your personal development, sucumming to pain and sorrow is poison to your energetic body.

Make better choices. You know better. Burn better fuel. Be careful what you eat, see, say, hear, think, do and practice. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.

Take personal responsibility for yourself, your life, your heart, your faith, your energy… and your spiritual practice.

If you believe, as I do, that we are all one connected being then caring for one's self is the most selfless act… for if I am at peace; there is greater peace in the world. If I am in joy; there is greater joy in the world. As my peace and joy is spread to others soon we will reach a tipping point… and we will all fall forward, laughing.

This is not a time of turning one's eyes outward… but rather a gathering of inner resources as we move forward. “An army travels on it's stomach” as my Grandfather used to say, without that which sustains us we are lost. And yet, we stand here knowing that we are greatly blessed. We are in good hands. We are loved. All is well. Why worry?

To worry denotes a lack of faith in all that we have done… and what we've done is GOOD. Trust in that.

Perspective: Remember that the news media only covers the 1% of people on this planet involved in conflict, suffering and lack. The other 99% of the folks on the planet are working at being wonderful, kind, loving human beings creating a better world… but news directors will tell you, that's not “news”. What we are seeing now is adjustment… it is important to be at ease with that. Let the story unfold.

Great things are happening.

I recently found myself an unwitting tourist at the WTC site in New York City. Experiencing great resistance, I asked that I be shown, very clearly, why I was there at all. Walking out into the night, I looked up and saw the huge sign over the proposed building plans reading: “Think Back. Move Forward. It's Time.”

Perfect. Thank you. Mindful of our past (look how far we've come!), conscious IN our present, we prepare for a new dream (to be here, now, what a great gift), it's time… it's our time.

The next assignment will soon be given. Look now, to yourself and LIVE THE DREAM.

It's time.

Much love,

Cori Horton

Thank you, Cori. It also goes to saying that in this new place where we take our Personal Power, we have certain responsibilities too. There are those who don't want to move on. They want to keep on waiting for/creating doom and gloom and disasters, and creating personal dramas. Of course, if you want to cling to the past, then you can do that. But it would be a much better idea to contribute to the Peace and Joy that awaits creation in the New Earth.

When I woke up this morning, I lay in bed and looked out of my window at the soft early morning sun on the leaves outside. I felt a softness and a nurturing that I haven't experienced since I was a child, and I knew that everything was ok and that I was safe and protected. Its a really good feeling, and I am going to work on creating more of that in my life.

So, here's to all of us and all the hard work we have done! And here's to taking our Power, looking after ourselves, and Creating our Heart's Desire! For All of Us…..We Are One.


Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed IS,

Center of Light, Inc. Cell 703-338-6415

“Ecstasy is a Feeling that comes Only When the Heart is tuned to that pitch of Love Which melts it…Which makes it Tender…Which gives it Gentleness… Which makes it Humble” Hazat Inayat Kaan - The Sufi Message

Today 11/05/07

Status: “Jeremiah is Integrating & Releasing, Balancing & Harmonizing Gracefully & Easily the weekend iiYoga© training.”

Blog: Over the weekend I participated in the level 3 training for certification as a practitioner of iiYoga© which is a new Life Coaching technology and body healing system that involves using eye movements, tongue movements, finger movements, head massage and deep breathing. I’ll share more on iiYoga© another time.

One of the exercises we did was body trauma mapping. It’s something I’ve done in other workshops, so I wasn’t expecting any breakthrough this time. Working with a partner we lay on a sheet of paper and they draw an outline of our body. Then we add all the trauma, injuries, surgeries, etc that our body has experienced and then adding our lessons from each then as well as Now. In looking at it and being with the drawing, I realized a few things about why certain injures occurred and then as I backed off to give it a title I had my aha moment. That drawing represents my being as James Henry Lindsay Jr the historical being who died in 2000 and along the next couple of years shed the detritus of that being to become Jeremiah Lindsay. None of it held or holds any drama or edge for me, Jeremiah.

Another aha that came out of that and the conversations over the weekend is that I became very clear that everything I did or did not do in the past is absolutely perfect and that, in truth, there is nothing for me to forgive myself for nor others to forgive. If another is holding energy over something, that is truly their issue to be with. It is my responsibility to honor and love them exactly where they are, just as it is my responsibility to honor and love me where I am while being present to being in integrity with my heart/Soul plan of the moment.

Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed IS,


Monday, October 29, 2007

Relationship to Our Selves and The Divine Infant

In the place of being present to being One in the Now moment, I’ve noticed that when someone cuts me off on the road and I throw anger out, it comes back instantaneously. In this new reality we are in, there is no such thing as karma. We’ve set that age aside and now we are in the age of instantaneous manifestation. You get what you create.

Related to this is the understanding that when we hold onto attachments of how those around us ought to be, it prolongs the agony of our own transition or ascension into multi-dimensional reality.

So it is also our work to let go of how we have know ourselves and step into the unknown of the NOW. As I’ve been living it these last few months more and more, the less miraculous it seems to me, just what is..

Over the month of October as I moved to celebrate my 67th and 7th birthday, I’ve come into a place of play, where play and work are in balance, so the power of Now comes out easily and gracefully. As I embrace the Now from the viewpoint of the Divine Child, in awe, in wonder, in play I notice this is the source of mastership. It’s all fun. It’s all play. In the now we don’t believe, we just know and are just playing and creating. We bring this to our adult selves by doing the work of clearing our heart and clearing our pelvis so that we may embody the marriage of our divine I Am Feminine and our Divine I Am Masculine. This self-healing brings us to the beginning of truly awakening to our Mastership. This is the access to miracles. Our Sacred Service truly begins with this.

Blessed IS,

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Our Divine Infant

Much of my sacred service since the Twin Ray came into the planet in early February has been towards guiding people into an ever deepening embodiment of the Divine I Am Feminine and the Divine I Am Masculine after clearing the bodies and then having them cause a merging or Sacred Marriage between their own Divine I Am Feminine and the Divine I Am Masculine.

Last week I saw the following work of art from Teka Luttrell and now use it as my icon on several other networks as it captures the sense I have of merging the Divine I Am Feminine and the Divine I Am Masculine.

Late last week as two sacred union partners and I were exploring what was next for Reality Crafting Paradise in connection with the Diamond Paradise Grid, we were all asked by the fairies to stop taking ourselves so serious and to have fun with it. As we've inquired deeper into this what became clear was that the next step is for us to embrace our own Divine Infant that comes from the Sacred Union of our Divine I Am Feminine and the Divine I Am Masculine merging. So, if we are in deed honoring our Divine Infant, then we are totally present in Divine Love in the NOW. We aren't in the past. We aren't in the future. We're not judging ourselves. Nor are we judging others. Just NOW!!!!!

Take another look at the photo Teka entitled Rise of the Radiant Goddess. It could just as easily be the Divine Infant.

Think about that.... It seems to me Yeshua said it would require becoming as a little child to know the kingdom. Do you suppose becoming our own Divine Infant is where he was pointing?

Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed Is,

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Ecology of Awakening

Aloha All,

This posting comes from a conversation I was having with my friend Kande yesterday, about the different issues that come up for and around our clients as they awaken, particularly when the awakening includes a kundalini & sexual energy awakening. Kande used the word ecology, which left me giggling as, in the moment, in struck me as humorous.

As I thought about it later I recognized that when I use the word ecological I'm referring to keeping our environment and nature free of toxic materials. Okay, since everything is energy anyway, why not consider the ecology of what occurs around the awakening process. When I experienced a major opening of my root and sex chakras in July of 2001 because of a series of sacred spot sessions (prostate and coccyx massage) a huge amount of drama was created around me among my friends. It took me about 2 weeks to get that in my opening up my sexual and kundalini energies were swirling all over the place and not contained within my energetic tube toroid. Women came on to me and relationships fell apart. I wasn't being ecologically responsible for my energy. Once I learned how to contain that, things settled down, unfortunately, lots of damage was done.

Some of my recent SBI clients and DHU students are having similar situations come up for them as they go through the process of awakening, particularly when the Divine Feminine is ignited and it pushes aside the masculine energy they have been carrying. It seems to me that part of the process of containing this is to actually be present to it and in embracing it working with our inner child and advisor of integrity to consciously move this energetic overloads within an expanded tube torus. Another source of containment is to go through the process of fully embodying both our Divine Feminine and our Divine Masculine in Sacred Marriage.

It is my sense that this process of Sacred Marriage is a step beyond the DHUpgrades for those who've held significant blockages in the pelvis as well as blocks to free flow between the pelvis and the heart. This suggests a pairing of the the modalities of DHU and SBI to move to the other isde of this rapidly and coming into fully loving one's self/Self.

What does your heart have to say here?

Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed IS,


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Energetic Downloads - 9/9/9 - What is next. Transition.

The energetic downloads for the time frame began last week with disrupted sleep for me in a semi-awake sleep pattern whre most of the dreams were lucid with me speaking to different groups of people. Needless to say, feeling rested in the AM is not part of this shift.

Yesterday, 9/9/9, about 9 AM I was pulled/pushed to sit in meditation with a specific set of primal music playing (Gabrielle Roth - Trance). I moved in my meditation into the diamond core chamber of Mother Earth, making a right turn shift into the company of those I know as the Anasazi. I know Her as Cht'i-ai-a.

Even though I was still consciously in touch with the music and the sounds around my apartment, I discovered I could not even open my eyes, let alone move my body, as I expereinced and enormous download of information flow in and through me. From time to time I had to shift into transmutational breathing to expand my energetic bodies, creating space for that which was flowing. This last for almost an hour.

I started a teleconference at 8 PM last night (9/9/2007) during which we discussed the 9/9/9 energies and as we approached 9 Pm several remarked about the energy ramping up again and I had to end the call early so I could be in bed when 9 rolled around to begin another evening as semi-awake dreaming.

My sense is that this will continue through 9/12 as the 3D reality of Earth and the Multi- Dimensional (MD) reality of Mother Earth begin to separate physically. Some suggest this will be complete around January '08 rather than 2012. The energies will accelerate the uplifting of stuff for conscious processing by those choosing to move into the MD Paradise Reality. Our focus as individuals is to be on that which we are co-creating and how we desire our transition to be experienced and concurrently releasing all attachments to the drama of others and of the 3 D earth. Even as we release these attachments we have been guided to hold the space of passionate compassion and love for all in All. Some of us will actively hold open the rainbow bridges between the two realities during this time of separation.

Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed IS,


PS: The photo is called Transition

Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Perspective on Re-Incarnation or “Are lessons really necessary?"

A Perspective on Re-Incarnation
And a Response to my friend Floggiston’s Query “Are lessons really necessary?

I am quite familiar with the quoted text from Spalding’s work. His works were among the many required readings as I studied for my ordination as a Minister of Spiritual Science back in the 90’s and yes, it brought up lots of internal inquiry as well as arguments with my teachers.

Your question “Are lessons really necessary?” is an interesting question and the answer is related to my knowing that we are each an aspect of the Beginning, which chose to know It’s Self more deeply through experiencing all the different ways of not being One with Its Self. It seems to me that we always knew and experienced our connection to this Source or The Beginning until some of us began to wonder what it would be like to go into Separation Consciousness. And thus we have forgotten who we are.

In that forgetting, we began making choices not of the Highest Good leaving stuff unresolved at our death resulting in the need to incarnate again and again … and again, until we reach a point of awareness that we can actually complete all karma in a given life. That has been my mission since the late 90’s. This, the embracing, loving, forgiving and transmuting of everything we are experiencing and witnessing as our own, is the access to Paradise on Earth where we are still embodied and once again are a conscious creator of that, rather than the unconscious creators we’ve been for seemingly eons.

So, the lessons are just there out of our own choices in all of our embodiments for they all are existing Now. For me, the question of Are they necessary, is a mute point.

Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed Is,

Here is the posting that generated the above:

Floggiston’s question: “Are lessons really necessary?
Jeremiah, I stumbled upon this, and I like to know your opinion about this: "It is from this point of view that the Masters look upon reincarnation. They say that it is not necessary. It is a human position only. They say that if there is a light placed in the center of the room the best way to reach that light is to go straight to it. Why circle around it time after time? If you go directly to that light and pick it up and incorporate it, you are through with all incarnation and karma completely. It is only man's failure to go direct to the central point or fact of life that keeps him in the "wheel of incessant grind." If he will accept that central fact, which is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, he will have arrived and all his going round and round will have ceased, it will have to come to an end." [Baird T. Spalding: Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East; Vol. IV, Ch. viii-18]
It makes sense in a way, that if one learns a lesson, there will be new lessons after that to learn, until one has learned all of them. But what if there are an infinite number of lessons to learn with all of them implying another infinite variety of lessons yet to be learned? Then one would never reach one's goal, Buddha would never attain Buddhahood, and one could never say "enough with it already --I'm done!" Isn't it easier to just BE, to just remember that everything one can learn and know, in a way is already learned and known? What I say here sounds so simple, and yet.... When I read this quote by Spalding I said to myself "hey, that thought has occurred to me once already... maybe it is not that weird." But yet, to just DO it... that is not so easy It seems... Much Love –Flo
Additional comments from Jeremiah:
Since I have come to understand that it is all NOW, I no longer believe in the serialness implied by re-incarnation. It may appear that way from the 3D perpective inside of separation consciousness, but that too is part of the maya we dream in.Yes, in a general and not specific sense, I align with the thought that we choose the lessons we will experience in each life time. I also feel that the lessons are part of our agreements with the same soul group or family, with each soul essence playing different parts to prepare for the deeper work of this particular time.So, yes, some souls have chosen this lifetime to endure the most difficult experiences and not many of us make it though all the choice points still embodied to arrive at the service intended before birth. Of course death is birth to that whichs is next.
I am discovering the truth of my Human Design as a Manifesting-Generator whereby I'm to await to be asked.. From all that I've re-membered the lessons just “Are.” Attempting to judge them is a function of the mind, which takes us out of our hear space into separation. Embracing all as it arises also allows us to be more conscious manifestors of the reality we desire rather than the unconscious manifestors of our reality that we are currently experiencing.
RE: ” The “forgetting” serves us until it no longer serves us and we have provided ourselves with many ways of remembering. (That's us circling around). Consider what Aley says here. “ Great point. It is my understanding that if a person believes in Hell and that that is their destiny, then that will be their expereince after death until they awaken to who thet really are - and there are others assisting that awakening.
This of course leads to what I am seeing for humanity which will likely be another blog: Our planet and our human consciousness will be going through a veil of energy “soon” where we will all be consciously creating our reality. In that shift, those who have been working to awaken themselves will have what they need out of their own manifesting. Those who haven't will still be in the maya of separation, creating a reality that is as it was before. Many of those will also know that something has changed and will start looking for assistance to awaken from those who have walked through in an earlier wave.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Traveling Tales & Healing in Blacksburg, VA

I'm heading out tomorrow for several days and will be back here next week. But first a little of this past weekend which Caitlin's kind question prompted me to write.
The Beltane weekend was fantastic, being held at a clothing optional resort. Even though it was cool and rainy Thursday & Friday everyone had a great time. We decorated one room of the cabin as a Goddess Temple space and I held 4 workshops. Actually there were 2 two part workshops, where I introduced and demonstrated the work during the 1st two hours and then those who were ready particpated in couples healing during the 2nd two hours.
On Friday, we had 22 in part one and 5 pairs participated in the 2nd two hours. On Saturday, we had at least 25 in part one and 8 pairs in the 2nd two hours. My demo person for the second was blown away with the energy of the initiation - the first time Mary Magdalens had me do it. Several of the women declared finally getting it was no longer their responsibility what happened for thier partner and that they now understood it was up to them to live in their own integrity. I have at least 4 new clients and 2 couples to be my clients also.

Tomorrow I am driving down to Blacksburg, VA, home of Virgina Tech, for a long planned completion of teleclass training with Suzanna Kennedy to facilitate the Divine Human Upgrades program. We've been guided to meet first about 9:45 AM EDT , ON THURSDAY, in a large circle around campus and hold the space for about an hour bringing healing energy into the area. If you're in the area, we'll be gathering outside the Hawthorne Suites at 9:30 AM EDT to see that everyone is linked up and in the energetic space to safely channel the energy coming through. If it calls you to do so, please link in with us from a distance.
Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed IS,

Center of Light, Inc.
Cell 703-338-6415
"Ecstasy blows our minds open to a reality that is wild, beautiful, loving, abundant beyond our wildest dreams." -Jalaja Bonheim

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

2007 COL NEWSLETTER 2 - 18 April 2007

2007 Newsletter # 2 - 18 April 2007

My last newsletter was about Surrendering to the Goddess and is available at
Since that time I’ve continued to evolve with the planet, participate in Paradise Building/ Birthing, am participating in a training to be certified to facilitate the delivery of the Divine Human Upgrades with Suzanna Kennedy, am creating more clarity for my work, which I now call Sacred Body Integration and have delivered the first Sacred Body Integration workshop. Over Easter Weekend I participated in The Magdalen Intensive, The Foundry of Light & Darkness workshop which was channeled through Tom Kenyon. I’ll briefly address these before discussing what is next for Sacred Body Integration.

Paradise Building/Birthing
We have moved into the time for each of us to embody our own divinity and be the masters of our own creation from a space of love, manifesting from joy and play. A large part of my service is to assist those choosing to evolve with Mother Earth from a 3D reality to a MD (multi-dimensional reality.

11 November 2006 was a day selected to create a conscious celebration of the birth of Paradise that was conceived on 5 March 2005 by offering the same opportunity to others in a teleconference. Participants had the opportunity to listen to what transpired during our teleconference and to choose Sacred Union Consciousness rather than Separation Consciousness.
This processed has continued with the weekly Reality Crafting calls with Suzanna Kennedy. See the following blogs for more details:

Divine Human Upgrades
I began training with Suzanna Kennedy in January to facilitate individuals and small groups who desire to receive the Divine Human Upgrades. This will complete on 4 May in Blacksburg, Va.
To learn about the Divine Human Upgrades see the following link.

Dwelling in The Foundry of Light & Darkness
I thoroughly enjoyed being present in Seattle for Mary Magdalens workshop coming in through Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion over the Friday, Saturday & Sunday of this past Easter weekend.The Divine Feminine completed her return in February and shortly thereafter we began experiencing the Twin Ray and the Sacred Union Fire as the Divine Masculine has been coming in. My sense is that this is building towards completion over the time of Beltane - the Sacred Marriage of self/Self.
On Friday evening Tom and Judi gave us an overview of what was to come on Saturday and Sunday. Most of those background details are included in the following: this workshop was scheduled my Mary Magdalens about 18 months ago it was about coming into balance with our Divine Masculine and our Divine Feminine. Apparently around the Winter Solstice, She began to up the ante on the intent of the weekend to include the final completion of bringing Light to the dark forces on Earth and to remove the masks they have been hiding behind. Part of our work Friday evening included connecting with all of our familial lineages back to the beginning, thanking them for their contribution, blessing them and telling them we are taking a new path that diverges from theirs of Separation.
We were given an article dictated by Mary Magdalens to read before going to bed and then on arising to align us energetically for the work. My sleep was filled with dreams of new connections. Tom advised that there would be no talking during the entire process on Saturday, except for Judi reading Mary Magdalens’ introduction for each Archangel that was to come through. After the seven archangels, Mary Magdalens, Sophia and Isis were to come through Tom as a feminine Trinity.On Saturday Tom used his 4 octave voice to channel the archangels in the following order, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Zadkiel, Auriel, Chumuel & ending with Metatron. After each, we took a silent 15 minute break while Tom was escorted upstairs to shower as a way to remove his stuff pushed into his aura by the previous archangel. This was to preclude his tuff interfering in the transmission of the next Archangel. The energy moving through my body was palpable during each. I felt most personally attuned to Zadkiel. During the last Archangel, Metatron – the Architecture holder of the divine plan – I was wondering where my watershed experience was, so I asked Metatron. The immediate response was for Mary Magdalens, Sophia and Isis to come into me with the following, “Jeremiah, you are used to connecting at a high level of power by working with us and Zadkiel for years and clearing yourself, why would you expect a big show today? You’ve been playing small. It is time for you to get out into the world in a big way.” Big Gulp!!!The energy of the feminine Trinity was huge and most loving, though stern. I was in tears through most of this and wound up spending the evening alone in process. My two dreams that night were about helping others unlock their suitcases and then helping others rewire their electronics so they worked more effectively.

On Sunday Tom shared what he was seeing as the Archangels came through him. The two most memorable things for me were about Zadkiel and Metatron. Tom shared that he was taken out when the Trinity came through and had nothing to report there.

Zadkiel occurred as a huge tornado from which large snakes came out, some white, some colored. They went into us gobbling up the dark aspects of us we had agreed to release and then around the world gobbling up the façade the dark forces had been hiding behind.

Metatron sealed the new input given us by the other archangels as seeds in our subatomic structure. He also place landmines around the world. Now, we all know that when the dark forces plant landmines, people are maimed or killed; in this case, Metatron’s landmines, when tripped, would illuminate the one following a dark path, so an opportunity would be there for them to re-choose.

Sacred Body Integration Workshops
The Sacred Body Integration Workshops were created to expand the understanding of the relationships between Sacred UnionTM, Sacred RelationshipsTM, Sacred Sexuality and how these are served by hands-on Sexual Healing. In this work we focus on honoring both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine as we address the sacredness of sexuality. We introduce the use of transformational and transmutational breathwork, bodywork and movement from the ancient Tantric, Tao and Egyptian traditions. These provide access to a deeper spirituality and relationships based on Sacred Union consciousness rather than Separation consciousness.

I’ve written a booklet to describe my work to align with my guidance to have my work more available to mainstream society. Here is the title and an excerpt.
There Is No Secret Out There… The Key Is Within You!

Did you know that your sexual beliefs are the most powerful way to get what you want, or to NOT get what you want?
The sexual act in its most basic form is the act of creation, creating life. But did you know that the ENERGY of sex is also the energy with which you manifest?
What if sex isn’t just about sexual energy – what if it’s also the energy that allows you to manifest ANYTHING?
Our negative sexual beliefs can prevent us from manifesting on all levels – financially, physically, relationally, emotionally and spiritually. Western society does not embrace an individuals’ sexual expression, which can lead to energetic repression. When a person develops negative sexual beliefs, conflicting thoughts and emotions are created in the body that separates us from our personal Life Force – the same Life Force that enables us to manifest everything in life.
To download the free PDF file, go to
See the following links for more details:

Anyone who desires to serve and operate with their I AM Presence fully anchored in their physical body would be well served to establish the discipline of working with the energies of both Sacred UnionTM and Sacred RelationshipsTM . I recommend starting with Suzanna Kennedy's CD "Activation & Integration” and then Tom Kenyon’s CD titled, “The Alchemies of Horus: Companion to the Magdalen Manuscript”.

Anyone who wants to study sexual healing with me will be required to complete the Divine Human Upgrade program as it is the fastest and most graceful track to coming into Sacred Union with Self. My sense is that anyone who is called to serve as a hands-on sexual healer must be totally committed to diving deeply into and embracing all of their shadow and coming into Sacred Union with themSelves, ahead of their clients.

And the expansion continues...

Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed Is,


Dwelling in The Foundry of Light & Darkness

The Magdalen Intensive, The Foundry of Light & Darkness

I thoroughly enjoyed being present in Seattle for Mary Magdalens workshop coming in through Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion over the Friday, Saturday & Sunday of this past Easter weekend.

The Divine Feminine completed her return in February and shortly thereafter we began experiencing the Twin Ray and the Sacred Union Fire as the Divine Masculine has been coming in. My sense is that this is building towards completion over the time of Beltane - the Sacred Marriage of self/Self.

On Friday evening Tom and Judi gave us an overview of what was to come on Saturday and Sunday. Most of those background details are included in the following:
When this workshop was scheduled my Mary Magdalens about 18 months ago it was about coming into balance with our Divine Masculine and our Divine Feminine. Apparently around the Winter Solstice, She began to up the ante on the intent of the weekend to include the final completion of bringing Light to the dark forces on Earth and to remove the masks they have been hiding behind. Part of our work Friday evening included connecting with all of our familial lineages back to the beginning, thanking them for their contribution, blessing them and telling them we are taking a new path that diverges from theirs of Separation.

We were given an article dictated by Mary Magdalens to read before going to bed and then on arising to align us energetically for the work. My sleep was filled with dreams of new connections. Tom advised that there would be no talking during the entire process on Saturday, except for Judi reading Mary Magdalens’ introduction for each Archangel that was to come through. After the seven archangels, Mary Magdalens, Sophia and Isis were to come through Tom as a feminine Trinity.

On Saturday Tom used his 4 octave voice to channel the archangels in the following order, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Zadkiel, Auriel, Chumuel & ending with Metatron. After each, we took a silent 15 minute break while Tom was escorted upstairs to shower as a way to remove his stuff pushed into his aura by the previous archangel. This was to preclude his tuff interfering in the transmission of the next Archangel. The energy moving through my body was palpable during each. I felt most personally attuned to Zadkiel. During the last Archangel, Metatron – the Architecture holder of the divine plan – I was wondering where my watershed experience was, so I asked Metatron. The immediate response was for Mary Magdalens, Sophia and Isis to come into me with the following, “Jeremiah, you are used to connecting at a high level of power by working with us and Zadkiel for years and clearing yourself, why would you expect a big show today? You’ve been playing small. It is time for you to get out into the world in a big way.” Big Gulp!!!

The energy of the feminine Trinity was huge and most loving, though stern. I was in tears through most of this and wound up spending the evening alone in process. My two dreams that night were about helping others unlock their suitcases and then helping others rewire their electronics so they worked more effectively.

On Sunday Tom shared what he was seeing as the Archangels came through him. The two most memorable things for me were about Zadkiel and Metatron. Tom shared that he was taken out when the Trinity came through and had nothing to report there.

Zadkiel occurred as a huge tornado from which large snakes came out, some white, some colored. They went into us gobbling up the dark aspects of us we had agreed to release and then around the world gobbling up the façade the dark forces had been hiding behind.

Metatron sealed the new input given us by the other archangels as seeds in our subatomic structure. He also place landmines around the world. Now, we all know that when the dark forces plant landmines, people are maimed or killed; in this case, Metatron’s landmines, when tripped, would illuminate the one following a dark path, so an opportunity would be there for them to re-choose.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Magdalen Intensive, The Foundry of Light & Darkness

Beloved Friends,

I thoroughly enjoyed being present in Seattle for Mary Magdalens workshop coming in through Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion over the Friday, Saturday & Sunday of this past Easter weekend. I will blog on that soon.

The Divine Feminine completed her return in February and shortly there after we've began experiencing the Twin Ray and the Sacred Union Fire as the Divine Masculine has been coming in. My sense is that this is building towards completion over the time of Beltane - the Sacred Marriage of self/Self.

Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed Is,


P.S. Here's Mary Magdalen's invitation for participation if you could not be there physically.

February 2, 2007

From Mary Magdalen“This is a personal invitation to join us in spirit if you cannot join us in the physical in these most challenging and difficult times. I shall call forth the Seven Archangels for those who have joined us at the Foundry of Light and Darkness, Easter weekend in Seattle, Washington. I call upon these Great Archangels, not just for those who are present, but for all Beings upon this Earth, and for future generations. If you cannot join us, I invite you to join us in meditation, contemplation and prayer by whatever means you use.

“On Saturday, April 7, 2007, we shall call these Great Seven Beings forward. If, in your heart, you are linked with us, you shall receive their blessings. This action shall take place from 10 in the morning until 6 in the evening, Pacific Time.
“At any time during this period, enter into silence, focus upon your own heart, and call these Beings to you: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Zadkiel, Chumuel, Ariel and Metatron. As you call these beings to you in the inner sanctum of your heart, I ask that you send the blessings that come to you, not just to yourself, but to all those you know, and to all Beings upon this Earth.”
Mary Magdalen
In session with Mary Magdalen several days prior to this invitation, she explained the process she will use at The Foundry of Light and Darkness this way:
January 30, 2007
From Mary Magdalen: "I would like to explain how I shall use the angelic energies to assist in the transformation of darkness-or unawareness, unconsciousness-into the greater light of self-awareness.
Essentially I will call forward each of the Archangels, one by one. Their energy will then manifest through Tom. And the vibration of the particular Archangel, whoever has been called, enters into each person and into the vibratory patterns of everyone who is present. Because the Archangels are such a high vibratory rate, being in their field creates a spiritual purification corresponding to the energy of that Archangel.
There are seven Archangels that we will work with.
There is a specific ritual for each of the Archangels, and we will lay the groundwork with specific ritual objects, incense, and oils, and then I call the Archangel into the space. And then, through the tones-the sounds-they affect each person present. This high level of light and vibration purifies the darkness of unconsciousness.
There are seven layers or aspects of unconsciousness that we are able to address by working with the Archangels in this way.
It is possible that the order will change, but at the moment the order would begin with Michael, followed by Gabrielle, then Raphael, then Zadkiel, then Auriel, followed by Chumuel, and ending with Metatron. After each of the rituals and the Archangel enters into the space and works with everyone present, there will be a time of silence, or introspection, so everyone can allow these energies to integrate.
Let me give a general overview of what these Archangels will assist with.
Michael-with the sword-cuts through attachments that prevent one from moving upward in consciousness. There are many, many strands that hold people down. These are related to family members, friends, social relationships, cultural thought forms, and inherited ancestral patterns. Essentially this energy cuts through all energy strands that would keep a person locked into unconsciousness. Some of these strands are there simply because of the nature of human interaction. Some of them are more insidious in nature and are in place specifically to hold the individual in a lower level of expression and evolution; for people are much more easily controlled when they are unconscious.
This first movement is very dynamic, because Michael will cut through everything that has been offered. So there will be a period of self-reflection before the Michael ritual where each person will be asked to explore their own relationships-which relationships hold them back-what thought forms are limiting them. There may be some type of ancestral ritual that is done before, but I will know this as we get closer to the event and I sense those who are coming.
With Gabriel there is an intense vibrational energy released that is metaphorically called a Trumpet. It is actually an angelic vibration that causes an implosion of negativity. One way to look at this is that with the sword of Michael, cords that bind are released-cut through-and with the sound of Gabriel they are pulverized.
Raphael is a calming energy of healing. Because of the dynamic nature of cutting through so many cords, so many energy ties that bind, and the implosive sounds of Gabriel, the aura tends to be somewhat in shock. Raphael enters into and calms, heals and balances.
Then we enter into another action through Zadkiel, which will enter deeper into the auric field, so to speak. And like a serpent-which is why it is associated with the Z sound-it will move through and devour other levels of negativity and unconsciousness.
Now here is a juncture, and we won't know until the event and I can feel those who heard the call to come, whether it is Chumuel or Auriel next. Auriel is like the singing of the angelic realms, and it is a comforting energy, similar to Raphael, which generally is what we would want after Zadkiel. Then we move to Chumuel, which is a movement of expansion-very rapid expansion-which in this case will be tied to light and awareness, or consciousness.
Then after Chumuel we move to Metatron. And essentially what happens here is that we lock into place-at the subatomic realms-the changes that have occurred through the agency of the other six Archangels. Otherwise there would be a tendency for individuals to move back to their resting place. With Metatron there is less slippage, so to speak.
So this is a very energetic experience and we are using the energies of the Archangels to transform the darkness into the light of awareness.
Friday night will be the entrance into my energy and presence, and an explanation of the work and how it will take place. And Saturday is very dynamic because we will go through all seven archangels in that one day. People will leave that day rather stunned! And then the next day, Sunday, will be the time of integration.
Mary Magdalen
If you feel called to be present with us at this workshop, you can find detailed information here:

Sunday, March 25, 2007

There's No Secret Out There

There Is No Secret Out There…
The Key Is Within You!

Did you know that your sexual beliefs are the most powerful way to get what you want, or to NOT get what you want?

The sexual act in its most basic form is the act of creation, creating life. But did you know that the ENERGY of sex is also the energy with which you manifest?

What if sex isn’t just about sexual energy – what if it’s also the energy that allows you to manifest ANYTHING?

Our negative sexual beliefs can prevent us from manifesting on all levels – financially, physically, relationally, emotionally and spiritually. Western society does not embrace an individuals’ sexual expression, which can lead to energetic repression. When a person develops negative sexual beliefs, conflicting thoughts and emotions are created in the body that separates us from our personal Life Force – the same Life Force that enables us to manifest everything in life.

If we’re willing to get in touch with who we are, there is nothing we need from outside ourselves.
Separation from your inner core occurs for many reasons and for many of us it came from just living in a social structure that denigrates both the feminine and sexual expression. Separation from your inner core also occurs when inappropriate sexual advances are forced upon you and this can be as simple as saying “yes” when your body intuition is “NO!”

Our modern cultural paradigm does not embrace the connection between the heart and pelvic sexual energy or an individuals’ sexual expression as Sacred.

Love is disconnected from sex and sexuality. Society says sex is sinful and attempts to suppress it. The consequence of that has most in our society holding conflicting thoughts and emotions in the body, especially the pelvis that separate us from our personal life force.

This sexual wounding affects your ability to be joyful, your ability to have all the time you need, your sexual pleasure, your feelings of safety and security, your relationships, your ability to express yourself creatively and your ability to manifest abundance and prosperity.

Some traditions teach that the only true healing is to ultimately leave the body. This is practiced by many by meditating in the lotus position with the calves crossed. This short circuits the energy flow just below the heart making it easy to go up and out of the physical body.

Unfortunately this also has us disconnecting our sexuality, from Spirit, Source or God/Goddess.
Our sexual energy is nothing more than our life force.

Some know this as Sekhem, Kundalini, Prana or Chi, which all relate to connecting to the Divine or to Source. Your life is being lived inside the human separation consciousness that has many believing in lack and limitation.

Until these are cleared you may find that even though you follow the steps from “The Secret” your experiences still aren’t consistent.

Let me share with you some of the impacts of holding unresolved emotions and memories in your physical/mental/emotional bodies by referring to the seven major chakras or energy centers of your body.

Root Chakra {PHYSICAL BEING} The location of the Root Chakra is below the perineum and includes the Sacral Pump and Coccyx and links us to the physical world as well as to the Energy of Earth. The concepts of Being and Beingness are transformed here. This allows for the creation of the foundation where we evolve and build personality. Fully balanced, the Root Chakra enhances and promotes physical health, prosperity, security and a dynamic presence. This chakra is associated with Energy, Security and Survival. It is the primary vehicle through which life force energy can be transformed and integrated with spiritual energy. If we carry here a belief from this or other lives that we are not worthy or will not be provided for, that will be our ultimate experience around abundance. This can be resolved by Sacred Body Integration.

Belly Chakra {REPRODUCTION OF BEING} The Belly Chakra, also known as the Sex Chakra, is located at the top of the uterus for women and at the top of the spleen for men. This is the center for creativity and sexual energy. As such, it can be oriented to self-gratification. However, in balance, it can accentuate equilibrium in the free giving and receiving of feelings and emotions and the regulation of relationships through feeling, desire, sensation and movement. When fully open, balanced and harmonized, this chakra brings us fluidity, grace, sexual fulfillment, profound emotional experience and the ability to accept change. The Belly or Sex Chakra is the energy center from which is birthed, literally, the fruits of our labor in all domains of our lives. Blockages here may be reflected in not having enough time, enough money or a free flow of personal creativity. Cervical cancer and prostate cancer seem to flow from suppressed emotions around abuse from this and other lives. This can be resolved by Sacred Body Integration.

Solar Plexus Chakra {FORMATION OF BEING} This chakra includes the Pancreas, which produces the hormones and enzymes that govern the ability to burn food in our bodies. The integration of 'Being' from the higher chakras and 'Feeling' from the lower chakras forms personality here and is the center of both fear (often expressed as anger) and happiness. Known by some as the "Power Chakra" this is the point of conversion where the physical body transmutes cosmic energies into usable physical energy, ultimately our sustenance comes through this transducer. This is where we experience our ego and our identity as well as where we are steered to self-definition: the mirrors of our lives - the people and situations we encounter that evoke in us emotional responses. It is also the region of raw, unprocessed, primal emotion and is the area that governs our ability to burn that raw emotion into our spirits. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and power. When this chakra is not healthy, we experience fear, tightness, digestive difficulties and our sexual energy is blocked form going to our heart. Sometimes the energy blockages show up here as diabetes or not feeling like there is any sweetness in life. These can be resolved by Sacred Body Integration.

The Heart Chakra is in the middle of the seven primary chakras. The physical heart is like a step-up transformer, revitalizing blood circulation. The Heart Chakra is like a step-up transformer, revitalizing energy circulation. Balanced, it integrates systemic polarity – e.g., ego & universality, male & female, the light and the shadow, etc. The tongue is the opening of the Heart. Therefore, the Heart Chakra and the Throat Chakra are irrevocably linked. The Heart is like a web: The negative emotion of the Heart is cruelty, hot-tempered and violence. The nature of the heart is Joy, Honor, Compassion, Social Awareness & Social Identity, and Sincerity to Raise Kindness Consciousness. When the Heart Chakra is whole, the entire system experiences pervasive peace and centeredness. A Heart Chakra holding onto a memory of being unworthy of being loved or of fearing to be powerful will be closed making relationship problematic. A prime issue for many women is the giving of nurturing emotional energy to others and not to themselves, with this showing up as breast cancer. These can be resolved by Sacred Body Integration.

This chakra includes the Thyroid, again regulating metabolism. Some call this, the “Weak and Dangerous Energy Center” as it is oriented to self-expression and relates to communication and vibration (like sound as a vibrational representation of experience). It’s the area from the base of the throat in the front and the medulla oblongata in the back to the top of the mouth in the center. This is the channel where feelings and emotions are transformed into expressions. Without the tongue, the Heart has no expression. This relates to sound on both the physical and the metaphysical levels. With the Throat Chakra clarified, we are vibrationally expressed on the Earth plane fully. It is through this chakra that we literally give voice to being. Issues about speaking one’s truth and standing in one’s power tend to show up as TMJ or pain in the muscles around the jaw joint. There is a correspondence energetically between the interior of the mouth and the interior of the pelvis. Again these issues can be resolved by Sacred Body Integration.

The Third Eye runs right through the Pituitary Gland. The Pituitary Gland regulates body growth and, again, metabolism, and at this point spiritual energy is transformed. One could think of this point as a God Transducer. It’s located at the top point of an equilateral triangle formed with the two physical eyes. The Third Eye Chakra enables recognition of Being and Beingness. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. As the Third Eye is opened, we are opened to our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal knowing. It’s the center of intuition and knowingness in spiritual matters, even as they translate to the experiences on the physical plane.

Crown Chakra {PURE BEING}
This includes the Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland regulates the secretion of the hormone melatonin which plays a vital role in sexual development (continuance of creation) and metabolism (making use of Universal Knowledge and Wisdom). As God Energy comes into the system, this is where it is stored and refined. It’s a Light receptor enabling consciousness as pure awareness. It is located about 6-8 inches above the center of the top of the head. The Crown Chakra provides a primary connection to God Consciousness or Universal Life Force energy. It is through the clarification and opening of this chakra that we can achieve Bliss through unity with All That Is.

Many of the various healing modalities being used in our society have their place and most usually have limitations. That is why I’ve studied so many alternative healing modalities and have integrated them into one holistic system.

Starting off as a Reiki practitioner I have seen its limitations when applied only as a energy practice without touch. Counseling tends to only address the clients mental body with a rare practitioner bringing in Spirit or touch, it isn’t holistic. Tantra provides great tools and insights into our bodies and as it confronts so many who have accepted weird stories about NeoTantra – that isn’t what Sacred Body Integration offers. In my expertise there is no one modality, on its own, that does it all.

The illusion of separation drives our world, permeating our society, perpetuating “sexual power over” others and increasing exponentially with each new generation. You can stop the illusion of separation in its tracks by initiating your inner journey back to Sacred Union through Sacred Body Integration.

Sacred Body Integration
Sacred Body Integration (SBI) is a Soul’s Journey to Awakening and a shamanic process of surrendering into the greatest unknown in your selves/Self.
In the shamanic traditions there is no separation between sexuality and spirituality. In our culture we have been taught to make that separation. The shamanic path requires surrender to our darkest shadow, similar to the ritual death of many native shamanic traditions. In our modern culture our shadow is the deepest around sexuality making it the most efficient path to transcendence or direct connection with God.

SBI derives from my work over the last several years as a channel for healing using the different modalities of Reiki, Spiritual Healing, Sacred Sexuality, Tantra/Tao, Tantric Shamanic Healing, and Pelvic Heart Integration with all of it guided by Spirit. All of them and more are integrated into a program that is a synergistic blend of the best of them. SBI works with more than just the pelvic region of the first and second chakra, it works with the entire body on all levels. In this fashion, SBI encompasses the whole of it rather than one specific modality.

Impact of Separation Consciousness
Self Worth Many in our society take on feelings of not being worthy. Counseling can help on this, but it doesn’t touch the tissue where the memories and emotions of this are stored in the pelvis. SBI goes there.
Addictions Recent biological, psychiatric and neurological research shows that the different drugs of abuse - alcohol, cocaine, heroin, nicotine - have the same effect. All corrupt the reward or "feel-good" pathways within the brain, which leads to addiction. Addiction is both biological and psychological. The addict’s brain is not responding normally. They can't get better on their own. Researchers are looking for chemicals to block the pathways of desire for the "drugs" in question. That misses the point that something had already screwed up their pathways predisposing them to "drug addiction." Perhaps our process of enculturation is antithetical to natures plan for our evolution.
Some of us escape that by virtue of spiritual insights, fostered or triggered by the very trauma we accepted as part of our life plan. I am clear that SBI provides a direct and efficient access to the clients rewiring their own pathways. Remember the mind is not encapsulated in the brain; it does include the entire body and extends far beyond our heart. Some say it extends all the way to the Great Central Sun of the Big Bang.
The upper heart when truly whole and balanced can alter the fields of the mind and thereby rewire the brains pathways as well as our DNA and the holographic information in our Akashic Records. That is how much of the healing that occurs through SBI manifests, WE rewrite their records consciously.

Upper And Lower Heart The upper heart is made up of smooth striated muscle. The only other organ with this physical form is the uterus. In my cosmology, our physical body is formed from the bottom up, first chakra, second chakra, crown and so forth. Women who listen to their bodies know their uterus is more in tune with Mother Earth and Sister Moon than their upper heart is. I chose a long time ago to treat the uterus or vessel of the energy of the Mother as the first heart and the actual blood pump as the second heart. For some clients I'll use lower and upper hearts to bypass their unease with my languaging. I acknowledge that much of my early guidance for healing sexual trauma in women came from the guided meditation work of Stephen and Ondrea Levine for healing and awareness around death, dying and sexual trauma. For me it totally fits to connect sexual trauma healing with that of death & dying. Both ultimately deal with choosing to express life force in their body or not.

Trauma & Sexual Healing In my experience, resolving any trauma, which when repressed drops into the pelvic cradle, is accomplished by the same process as the resolution of sexual trauma. This resolution opens the pathways to feeling pleasure and pain as a whole, without separation. Addictions disappear. Split and multiple personalities integrate on their own, without resource to drugs which just turns off their access to the own Spirit. Access to Transcendence is opened.

Sacred Body Integration Healing Modalities

Sacred Body Integration We dive into the separation of the hearts, examining the separation between the first heart (the uterus – second chakra) and the second heart. This initiates the conscious union of the upper heart in the physical body with the heart of the self and the Soul. It is the work of allowing and consciously giving one’s self permission to be in exactly the state being experienced. Thus, we bridge the chasm between the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine creating Sacred Union within our self. In the Soul’s Journey to Awakening we will create compassion for all of our darkness as well as all of our light.

Sacred Body Integration Workshops Preparing people for being at choice for their deep Tantric healing is for those who are consciously choosing to move through all that prevents them from realizing and fulfilling on their soul’s purpose in taking birth this time around. These workshops are about people experiencing being deeply and fully in their body. This is a journey of surrender and creation, of awakening to the soul and to the Soul as steps in a persons "Journey of Awakening". It is an experiential inquiry into “seeing” who We Are and gaining access to expressing to the universe the “Gold” that we are.

Center of Light Healing Spiritual healing, or energy attunement, balances energy fields physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to facilitate wellness of body, mind, emotions and spirit. As a result, the causes of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual conflicts in your life may be removed or resolved. This includes reducing or removing pain and speeding healing associated with dis-ease, injury or surgery. Spiritual healing starts with the inquiry, “What brought you to me?” You consciously participate in your own healing at all levels. I only facilitate your healing process by serving as conduit to God.
Those with a diagnosed disease or disorder should only use this work in addition to and not in lieu of treatment by a licensed medical doctor.
My practice with all new clients is to check in with their soul and Oversoul or soul/Soul to see if “they” consider working with me to be in the Highest Good and in the client's highest good.
If I do not get a clear affirmative, I will decline to waste their money and my time. I only do this check in with the soul/Soul after obtaining permission from the client.
To limit the possibility of dependency, I see a client for a maximum of 8 sessions in a year. That is about as much as most can integrate by themselves. I want clients to own their own well being, so I give them home work to complete between sessions or we don't meet.

Reiki is that primal energy which emanates continuously from the single source of universal power and existence.
It is done by a laying on of hands touch healing system of incomparable ease and power. Reiki is a Japanese word, which evolved, in early 20th century for the modern world by the combining together of two other Japanese words - " Rei " and " Ki ". Rei signifies the Universal aspect and Ki signifies Life Force Energy. Thus Reiki literally means the Universal Life Force Energy.
It uses divine or universal energy to treat various ailments by the use of touch therapy or through distance or absentee methods. In this system of natural healing, the treatments are effected without the use of any medicines and as such there are no side effects. This system is normally considered to be highly beneficial for the treatment of chronic ailments like asthma, allergies, blood pressures, back pains, joint pains, stomach-related problems, gynecological problems, sleeplessness, depression, diabetes, skin problems, etc.
The beauty of this system is that it is very simple to learn, because more than learning and related practice, it is a system based upon empowerment. The greatest utility of this system is that with equal ease, effectiveness and comfort, the treatments are possible for self as well as anyone else.

Healing the Masters' Way
Healing the Masters’ Touch techniques apply the Masters or Angelic powers of healing energy directly to a specific problem or condition cellularly and etherically.
In this method of healing, I step out of the way and channel that which needs to come through working in partnership with your soul. This is a partnership of conscious participation in a dance between your soul, my soul, the Masters/Angels and God for that which is for your highest good.
Treatments may be effectively combined with conventional medicine therapies for treating many conditions including nervous system disorders, dyslexia, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, urinary tract or kidney infections, vaginal or intestinal yeast infections including candida, allergies, skin disorders, chemical imbalances, tumors, cancers, problems of over/under weight, broken bones, deteriorating organs, clearing of emotional issues that may block healing and many other conditions. This may include the etheric replacement of bones, organs or other tissue or transmutation. It may also involve the removal of entities or souls that have not gone to the Light; exorcism as a healing technique is as valid as any other. Healing in other times is a valuable tool for the relief of unexplained ailments.

The Sacred Sexuality Workshop Series or Soul’s Journey to Awakening
This work is an act of great courage of surrendering into the greatest unknown. In the shamanic traditions there is no separation between sexuality and spirituality. In our culture we have been taught to make that separation.
To step into the shamanic path one must surrender to their own darkest shadow, which is very similar to the ritual death of many native shamanic traditions. For most of society, that shadow is the deepest around sexuality. That is why it can be the most efficient path to transcendence and direct connection with God. That is why great courage is called for.
Just as the masculine and the feminine in each of us blend at the moment of death, they blend during the paroxysm of deep sexual union, when both have surrendered to each other. Here the “both” refers to both “two individuals in sexual union” as well as to an individual experiencing blending the feminine and the masculine during sacred spot meditation or sacred spot healing.
It is the work of allowing and consciously giving one’s self, permission to be in exactly the state being experienced, however painful and however ecstatic.
This requires the surrender of the self to the Self. We will dive into the pain of the separation of the hearts. Here we will examine the separation between the first heart (the uterus – second chakra) and the second heart. This calls for the conscious union of the upper heart in the physical body with the heart of the self/soul and the Self/Soul. It is the work of allowing and consciously giving one’s self-permission to be in exactly the state being experienced.
After bridging the chasm between the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine, we will play with the spiritual roles of the masculine and the feminine. What if the masculine spiritual role is to sustain so as to create? And what if the feminine spiritual role is to create so as to sustain?
The next level of work for many men and women is in creating compassion for men and women and all of our darkness as men and women, as well as all of our light. It seems like many clergy have been called to celibacy in an attempt to avoid the darkness in their sexual mature.
Are we really to suppress the sacred gift of our sexuality?
Might that not be the key to experiencing the Divine? What must we do or be to come face to face with the beloved within and without? Is it possible to find our beloved without before we’ve come face to face with our beloved within?
Tantric tools will be addressed that facilitate full ownership of the pain of separation both from God/Goddess/Universe/Is as well as from each other. At this point one maybe faced with the choice of diving into the pain of unknown or suspected trauma. It is only in the full ownership of traumas from this life, and others, that we have the ability to release them. The releasing and letting go process starts with recognizing it, for it doesn't exist if you don't recognize it. You must acknowledge it then so that you can embrace it.
Without embracing it, you can't let it go or release it.

Sacred Body Integration Workshop Intentions:
The intention is to prepare people for being at choice for the deep tantric healing work. It is for those who are consciously choosing to move through all that prevents them from realizing and fulfilling on their soul’s purpose in taking birth this time around. It is about experiencing being deeply and fully in their body.
This is a journey of surrender and creation, of awakening to the soul and to the Soul as steps in "Journey’s Awakening". It is an experiential inquiry into “seeing” who We Are and gaining access to expressing to the universe the “Gold” that we are.
We all have what we need inside. An intention is to awaken us to the truth of who we are at a deep experiential level; to experience simultaneously in all five bodies being God and being with God.
We will address waking up our physical body to being touched by ourselves and others as a sacred form of play that has nothing to do with a mental conversation, visualization or fantasy.
We will experience healing the emotional memories of trauma residing in our bodies from the top of our head and tips of our toes to the dark hidden memories in our G-spots, yoni, lingam, prostate, anus and tailbone.
We will learn how to access the experience of being in relationship with the spiritual part of us that is always connected to All That Is, Spirit, God or Goddess.
We will have the experience of awakening our Sacred Heart, or Thymus Chakra to be in communication across space-time.
We will experience surrendering to both the divine feminine and the divine masculine within our own body.
We will develop tools to experience deep healing of feelings of separation between the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine through Sacred Sexual Union with another and All That Is, Spirit, God or Goddess.
We will experience ourselves as the Beloved Soulmate.
We will experience ourselves as complete and be prepared to offer that in intimate relationships.
We will experience surrendering and creating the awakening to the soul and to the Soul, as a step in the journey of each soul’s awakening to the Truth of who you will remember yourself to be.

My Sacred Service is as a Channel for Sacred Body Integration and employs Energy, Tantric, Sexual, Spiritual and Shamanic Healing modalities.

Being an ordained minister of Spiritual Science and a certified Reiki Master Teacher, Jeremiah Lindsay has provided sacred sexual healing in various forms since '93. His work is guided by Spirit to elicit the kind of profound sexual healing responses that create access to transcendent sex. Clients have found that this not only heals and generates a deeper relationship with their inner divine feminine and divine masculine; they can recreate this in their own intimate relationships.
The SBI that comes through Jeremiah occurs as a rebirthing experience, as you dive into your heart and body generating love for your self. Jeremiah considers it a great honor and very humbling to be present as others rebirth themselves from old memories and conversations into a more available NOW!

For information on Jeremiah’s workshops, TeleClasses or One-on-One Private Sessions, go to: