Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Celia Fenn's Earth Log 11/13: So....What do we Do Now?.....

Aloha All,
I resonate with this latest from Celia and will make some preceding comments.

Back in January our Councils told us it was up to us to inspire our selves in the manifesting of the paradise reality for our new multi-dimensional (MD) Earth, who I call “Cht'i-ai-a”. After recovering from feeling lost and moving into feeling empowered for this work, I began to notice how it was being impacted by my own need to take care of others first. It wasn't one big “aha”, rather a series of deeper and deeper cuts at the attachments to being needed and feeling unworthy of honoring me and my service first.

Almost concurrent with the recent new Moon and the 11:11 gate I was once again shown a deeper layer and the piece I saw here was how I had allowed my sacred service (professional life) to overlap my personal needs (private life) and they had become interwoven. The aha here was how this had thoroughly confused & intermixed my financial records as well as several relationships. So I am in the process of using much deeper discernment concerning these so that action comes from clarity of heart/mind.

My sense is that part of what Celia is pointing to is that to fully empower our Sacred Service in the new MD reality, we are to take care of ourselves first, having us be in full integrity with our selves/Selves in Sacred Union.

Celia Fenn' Earth Log for 13th November : So….What do we Do Now?……: The energy has certainly been moving and opening our Hearts. I have found that recently I am opening my Heart to me….what is it that I need and want to make me happy here on Earth, not what is it that everyone else needs from me. It is quite a new experience for me, and I am finding it quite difficult to turn around old behavior patterns that say “meet everyone else's needs first”, and to look to really meeting my own needs and making sure that I am ok.

Another symptom of this new place in which we find ourselves, is that people feel very lost. “What must I do now?”, they all ask. I get so many letters from people asking “What is my mission and what is my new soul contract”. The answer, of course, is always whatever you choose to create from the passion of your Heart and Soul. It is your Choice. It is that moment when you step forth as a Creator and make your choices.

But, we are all so used to being told what to do and being part of this great work, that now that it is completed we all feel at a loss. We have yet to take on our Personal Power and to begin to Create from our Heart's Desires. Why? Well, most of us are tired and a little disoriented right now, as our dialogue here has shown.

I received a letter today from Cori Horton who lives in Nova Scotia in Canada, at a rather magically named place called the “Dragonfly Inn”. When I received her letter, I though to myself, I could not have said it better. Cori and I have been chatting over the internet for a while now, and she has a lovely way of just putting her finger on what is happening. So, here is what she had to say:

Dearest Celia –

We, Lightworkers all, were asked to serve. And we did. Bravely, diligently we have toiled, many moved, body, mind and soul, to do the work we were asked; not in as much to “save the Earth” but rather to “save our selves” our work was as much a part of us as a limb… and we were glad to do what was asked.

And so we worked. We held the energy of eons, fostered new communication and we, as a community began to find each other… like minds and like hearts, we found we were not alone… but as the sages say “All One”.

On we toiled, together, working for the common good until one day – our task was complete. A task (it was thought) would take much longer was suddenly finished - ahead of schedule. And we were asked to stand by – until the time was right.

“Unemployed” we are suddenly – we at a loss.

Many are throwing themselves into a fit of despair as they look around the world to see that “everything has not changed”. Cries of “why” and “why not” and “what about us” echo in the sadness and despair.

Have we spent so much effort putting our energies “out there” that we have forgotten the first rule of the work? Take care of your SELF! We were asked before staring this journey to build our personal sustainable energies. In as much as eating junk food gives the body 'dirty fuel' indulging in thoughts well beneath your personal development, sucumming to pain and sorrow is poison to your energetic body.

Make better choices. You know better. Burn better fuel. Be careful what you eat, see, say, hear, think, do and practice. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.

Take personal responsibility for yourself, your life, your heart, your faith, your energy… and your spiritual practice.

If you believe, as I do, that we are all one connected being then caring for one's self is the most selfless act… for if I am at peace; there is greater peace in the world. If I am in joy; there is greater joy in the world. As my peace and joy is spread to others soon we will reach a tipping point… and we will all fall forward, laughing.

This is not a time of turning one's eyes outward… but rather a gathering of inner resources as we move forward. “An army travels on it's stomach” as my Grandfather used to say, without that which sustains us we are lost. And yet, we stand here knowing that we are greatly blessed. We are in good hands. We are loved. All is well. Why worry?

To worry denotes a lack of faith in all that we have done… and what we've done is GOOD. Trust in that.

Perspective: Remember that the news media only covers the 1% of people on this planet involved in conflict, suffering and lack. The other 99% of the folks on the planet are working at being wonderful, kind, loving human beings creating a better world… but news directors will tell you, that's not “news”. What we are seeing now is adjustment… it is important to be at ease with that. Let the story unfold.

Great things are happening.

I recently found myself an unwitting tourist at the WTC site in New York City. Experiencing great resistance, I asked that I be shown, very clearly, why I was there at all. Walking out into the night, I looked up and saw the huge sign over the proposed building plans reading: “Think Back. Move Forward. It's Time.”

Perfect. Thank you. Mindful of our past (look how far we've come!), conscious IN our present, we prepare for a new dream (to be here, now, what a great gift), it's time… it's our time.

The next assignment will soon be given. Look now, to yourself and LIVE THE DREAM.

It's time.

Much love,

Cori Horton

Thank you, Cori. It also goes to saying that in this new place where we take our Personal Power, we have certain responsibilities too. There are those who don't want to move on. They want to keep on waiting for/creating doom and gloom and disasters, and creating personal dramas. Of course, if you want to cling to the past, then you can do that. But it would be a much better idea to contribute to the Peace and Joy that awaits creation in the New Earth.

When I woke up this morning, I lay in bed and looked out of my window at the soft early morning sun on the leaves outside. I felt a softness and a nurturing that I haven't experienced since I was a child, and I knew that everything was ok and that I was safe and protected. Its a really good feeling, and I am going to work on creating more of that in my life.

So, here's to all of us and all the hard work we have done! And here's to taking our Power, looking after ourselves, and Creating our Heart's Desire! For All of Us…..We Are One.


Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed IS,

Center of Light, Inc. Cell 703-338-6415

“Ecstasy is a Feeling that comes Only When the Heart is tuned to that pitch of Love Which melts it…Which makes it Tender…Which gives it Gentleness… Which makes it Humble” Hazat Inayat Kaan - The Sufi Message

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