Blog: Over the weekend I participated in the level 3 training for certification as a practitioner of iiYoga© which is a new Life Coaching technology and body healing system that involves using eye movements, tongue movements, finger movements, head massage and deep breathing. I’ll share more on iiYoga© another time.
One of the exercises we did was body trauma mapping. It’s something I’ve done in other workshops, so I wasn’t expecting any breakthrough this time. Working with a partner we lay on a sheet of paper and they draw an outline of our body. Then we add all the trauma, injuries, surgeries, etc that our body has experienced and then adding our lessons from each then as well as Now. In looking at it and being with the drawing, I realized a few things about why certain injures occurred and then as I backed off to give it a title I had my aha moment. That drawing represents my being as James Henry Lindsay Jr the historical being who died in 2000 and along the next couple of years shed the detritus of that being to become Jeremiah Lindsay. None of it held or holds any drama or edge for me, Jeremiah.
Another aha that came out of that and the conversations over the weekend is that I became very clear that everything I did or did not do in the past is absolutely perfect and that, in truth, there is nothing for me to forgive myself for nor others to forgive. If another is holding energy over something, that is truly their issue to be with. It is my responsibility to honor and love them exactly where they are, just as it is my responsibility to honor and love me where I am while being present to being in integrity with my heart/Soul plan of the moment.
Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed IS,
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