Namaste' All,
In response to various questions about ascension symptoms, I wrote the following article for a sexual healing process that has worked for clearing ascension issues. If you consider that most of us have been more interested in connecting out of the body, it should come as no surprise that when we try to embody our I Am Self and move into our higher dimensional physical bodies we begin having issues holding the energy as we haven't necessarily cleared the lower 3 chakras. These blocks in turn tend to shut down our hearts. The following is an outgrowth of my Tantric Shamanic Healing work as I merged it with Suzanna Kennedy's Sacred Union Technologies (tm) and Reality Crafting of Paradise over the last few years.
Feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Blessings of Love, Light, Life of Creation & Gobs of Laughter,
Transcendent Ecstasy Aids Clearing Ascension Issues
It is my understanding of the Universe that all creation occurs from an expression of Universal Life Force, also known as Chi, Kundalini, Sekhem or sexual energy. This energy connects us to each other and Spirit, who I know as Mother God, Father God, The Beginning. When we acknowledge this and begin to allow ourselves to be fully in our physical bodies, we also discover that expressing the sexual energy at our core has the likelihood of connecting us directly to Spirit, if we allow for that intent. I assert that this direct access has the potential for individuals to complete all karma in this embodiment. I'll address that in more detail in a later article.
This article provides a self healing process that combines spiritual and energetic healing techniques that come through me with ascension techniques I've been using and exposed to over the last few years. Given that part of my sacred service is Tantric Shamanic Healing you will find this is very sexually oriented and does include Sacred Self Pleasuring techniques. This is a three step process for calling forth the transcendent energy of ecstasy. We link it to infinity in a way that is a very potent method of self healing as well as for assisting the clearing of physical ascension issues.
The first step has you moving the energies with your breath and intention. During the second step you will be building your ecstatic energy while balancing your heart and pelvic cradle. Both of these steps may be done fully dressed or not. The last step adds self-loving/self-healing to the process while being sky-clad or nude.
Step 1. Aligning With Infinity
Let's begin by taking some long, deep breaths, filling first your belly and then your chest on the in-breath and releasing first the belly and then the chest of the out-breath. Feel yourself breathing in through the top of your head and breathing out through the bottom of your feet using intention to direct the energy. Inhale through the top of your head, exhale through the bottom of your feet.
Feel Source, some know as the Great Central Sun, sending a beam of pure white light in through the top of your head the moves all the way through the center of your body (sushumna) and out through your root chakra or perineum. Then it continues down through all the layers of the Earth until it reaches the Heart of Mother Earth and anchors at the core there.
As Mother Earth feels this beam of light responds by sending up Her own loving beam of pink-orange light of vibrant, passionate life-force energy. This energy passes up through the layers of Earth, passing all the way through your body and continuing on to anchor in the very heart of Source.
So now you have two beams of light, one white and one pink-orange anchored in the Heart of Source and anchored in the Heart of Mother Earth, passing through you. These two beams of light begin vibrating together and merging into Sacred Union. As these two energies merge together, they create a new energy. The synergy of this new energy expands the light outward in all directions, filling up your body. It expands again to fill up your energy field, and expands again to form a column of light 88 feet in radius. Acknowledge the energy, as it allows quantum upgrades in our evolution easily and gracefully, just by setting the intention for transformation, and then gracefully allowing it to unfold in its own sacred time.
Let's begin by taking some long, deep breaths, filling first your belly and then your chest on the in-breath and releasing first the belly and then the chest of the out-breath. Feel yourself breathing in through the top of your head and breathing out through the bottom of your feet using intention to direct the energy. Inhale through the top of your head, exhale through the bottom of your feet.
Feel Source, some know as the Great Central Sun, sending a beam of pure white light in through the top of your head the moves all the way through the center of your body (sushumna) and out through your root chakra or perineum. Then it continues down through all the layers of the Earth until it reaches the Heart of Mother Earth and anchors at the core there.
As Mother Earth feels this beam of light responds by sending up Her own loving beam of pink-orange light of vibrant, passionate life-force energy. This energy passes up through the layers of Earth, passing all the way through your body and continuing on to anchor in the very heart of Source.
So now you have two beams of light, one white and one pink-orange anchored in the Heart of Source and anchored in the Heart of Mother Earth, passing through you. These two beams of light begin vibrating together and merging into Sacred Union. As these two energies merge together, they create a new energy. The synergy of this new energy expands the light outward in all directions, filling up your body. It expands again to fill up your energy field, and expands again to form a column of light 88 feet in radius. Acknowledge the energy, as it allows quantum upgrades in our evolution easily and gracefully, just by setting the intention for transformation, and then gracefully allowing it to unfold in its own sacred time.
Step 2. Ecstasy
Now turn your attention to your body, placing your (right) power or sending hand so you connect with your perineum and your receiving (left) hand over your heart. On your in breath, breathe in from your right hand into your pelvis and up through your heart, out your left hand and across your shoulders. As you breathe out, notice the energy going down your right arm as the energy circles in your pelvis and up to your heart integrating the lower and upper bodies. Don't try to make it flow; simply allow the flow to occur. When you get comfortable with this flow, on the in-breath add in squeezing the PC muscle and tilting the tip of the tailbone forward, even as the top of your hip tilts back ever so gently, releasing those on the out-breath. Notice your pelvic cradle getting warm as the sacrum releases kundalini or sekhem. Once you're comfortable moving your ecstatic energy do three very full deep breathing circuits. On the fourth deep in-breath send your ecstatic energy up to the Great Central Sun anchoring it there along with the Orange Pink Ray from Mother Earth; while on the out-breath sending your ecstatic energy down to Mother Earth anchoring in Her Diamond Heart. Do this three times. Allow your energy to dance with, merge with the rays from Source and Mother Earth.
Now turn your attention to your body, placing your (right) power or sending hand so you connect with your perineum and your receiving (left) hand over your heart. On your in breath, breathe in from your right hand into your pelvis and up through your heart, out your left hand and across your shoulders. As you breathe out, notice the energy going down your right arm as the energy circles in your pelvis and up to your heart integrating the lower and upper bodies. Don't try to make it flow; simply allow the flow to occur. When you get comfortable with this flow, on the in-breath add in squeezing the PC muscle and tilting the tip of the tailbone forward, even as the top of your hip tilts back ever so gently, releasing those on the out-breath. Notice your pelvic cradle getting warm as the sacrum releases kundalini or sekhem. Once you're comfortable moving your ecstatic energy do three very full deep breathing circuits. On the fourth deep in-breath send your ecstatic energy up to the Great Central Sun anchoring it there along with the Orange Pink Ray from Mother Earth; while on the out-breath sending your ecstatic energy down to Mother Earth anchoring in Her Diamond Heart. Do this three times. Allow your energy to dance with, merge with the rays from Source and Mother Earth.
Step 3. Sacred Self-Loving with Infinity
The first two steps may be done clothed. In this next step, you'll want to be in a safe, warm and sacred space for you. Music, lighting, candles and scent to enhance your experience is as you choose. Remember this is about you moving into embracing self-pleasure as healing and Sacred as access to your concept of Source (God, Goddess, Spirit, The Beginning, etc.) Go ahead and pleasure yourself. As you find your self being aroused, begin to breath deeper and deeper. With your intention, direct the energy up your back with very deep in-breaths (some call it the big draw) and down your front on the out breaths. Intend this energy be spread throughout your body. Before reaching orgasm, connect this energy up to Source and Earth as we did in Step 2, having it run up your back to Source on the in-breaths and down your front on the out-breaths. Then just let your self flow with the energy riding it where ever your Soul and Source/Earth take you.
The first two steps may be done clothed. In this next step, you'll want to be in a safe, warm and sacred space for you. Music, lighting, candles and scent to enhance your experience is as you choose. Remember this is about you moving into embracing self-pleasure as healing and Sacred as access to your concept of Source (God, Goddess, Spirit, The Beginning, etc.) Go ahead and pleasure yourself. As you find your self being aroused, begin to breath deeper and deeper. With your intention, direct the energy up your back with very deep in-breaths (some call it the big draw) and down your front on the out breaths. Intend this energy be spread throughout your body. Before reaching orgasm, connect this energy up to Source and Earth as we did in Step 2, having it run up your back to Source on the in-breaths and down your front on the out-breaths. Then just let your self flow with the energy riding it where ever your Soul and Source/Earth take you.
©Jeremiah Lindsay. All Rights Reserved. November 2006.
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