Ascension Process and Sexual Chemistry - Observations
This began as a question from a friend: “Where does sexual chemistry fit in with where we're going… ascending? I ask because there's someone that's entered my life and is almost everything I've dreamed of, but I'm missing the sexual attraction.”
This began as a question from a friend: “Where does sexual chemistry fit in with where we're going… ascending? I ask because there's someone that's entered my life and is almost everything I've dreamed of, but I'm missing the sexual attraction.”
The creative force of the universe(s) or multi-verses is sexual energy. We must embrace all of our bodies to clear the stuff that impedes anchoring the Christed Self. It is my sense that after we've done the work of coming into Sacred Union, sexual attraction is no longer a significant part of relationships as it was in the 3D world. Having moved into Sacred Union with myself, I've found that the old concepts of relationships no longer work.
Most 3D relationships seem to carry within them a sense of ownership or proprietary rights to another; a subject for further exploration. I'm sensing that we are to do our own inner work to be in SU with self and then release having a need for another. Perhaps then we will then be drawn to those who are our soul family and inside that group as we come together we will related on all levels with some or all of them (male and female bodies) without the legalistic relationships currently used by our existing 3D societies.
Another aspect of this is that we are to embrace what is here now and let go of the future - being ready then to walk through only the next door that opens to us. Planning and organizing appear to be tools of the past. Now I am even being guided to let go of the councils as to our ascension work and spend more of personal time allowing self to receive inspiration as to what to do next.
TO carry this further:
A friend responded to this on ZAADZ with "I think the words sexual attraction or sexual chemistry are used very differently by different people, so it's hard to have a conversation about them that makes sense if we're not using them in the same way. Having said that, I'll say that energetic attraction is an indicator of alignment. If it is not there, the alignment is off, is my experience. However, for some people sexual attraction or chemistry is very tied up with physical appearance, or is more what I would call lust, which has little or nothing to do with alignment … I think lust goes way down after Sacred Union. Sexual attraction does not so far as I can tell."
That is my sense also. When I encounter someone whose energy, particularly in eye gazing, aligns with mine, there is a definite attraction and sexual awareness of soul and all bodies that is not coming from lust, but a very deep appreciation of our connection. It seems that if I allow my mind to generate sexual arousal we could go to physical intimacy easily, but there is no lustful urge /need to contend with and we stay in heart connection.
Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed Is,
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