That means we are not being present for we are focused on changing something to be either like it was before or on having it be something we envision.
The shifts have been so significant recently that we can not know the future. Everything I am receiving says that we are ahead of the timeline envisioned for 2012 in that we've accomplished over the solstice a key shift that is having 2007 be the what was long forecast for 2012. Even our guides and councils don't have a plan yet, so we are making it up as we go.
Many have been experiencing significant ascension symptoms since Solstice 2006, including me. I was thrown into deep feelings of grief that I had no clue about. For several days, I put these feelings off as they began to take over my ability to do day to day stuff. When I finally surrendered to them and allowed myself to expereince and embrace the grief and shame running through me, I got that it wasn't about me so much as it was part of my agreements to be a channel for healing. Yes, as long as I tried to figure it out by asking why or find a “cure” things got worse. The healing for me came from embracing it just as it was and allow my I Am Self to transmute and release it for the highest good.
So I am suggesting that planning for the future needs to be focused in the Now. What is or are the very next steps called for by the next project my Soul desires I manifest?
You may also notice that my closing has shifted from Blessed Be to Blessed Is as a reflection of the learning above.
Blessed Is,
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