Monday, January 29, 2007

Embracing the Goddess as Access to Healing and Awakening

In my own healing it was the Goddess who I could first surrender to when She asked in the middle of much dark remembrance,My I come within your earthly vessel and reside with you while you heal these memories?”

Feeling unworthy of even the breath of God/Goddess in the first year of my Tantric experience, I surrendered to Her and She has led me step by step embraced in and by much Love.

It was when I surrendered to and embraced all of my shadow/pain as me/IAm that She moved in to assist me in integrating all of me, the Divine Feminine, the Divine Masculine, the pleasure, the pain, the Light & the Dark. She teaches only Love. For me I know that the access to my own Sacred Union with my Self and the completion of all karma in this life time was the embracing of all that is available through surrendering to the intimacy of the Tantric Shamanic Path.

There is so much more available when we fully embrace that all of us is the Temple, not just the upper half of our physical body and our embodied belief systems.

Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed Is,


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