Surrendering to the Goddess
I participated in a Goddess Puja (Honoring the Goddess thru Ritual & Pleasure) Saturday, 12/30/06, for 9 couples, where only 4 couples were actually couples and the rest of us met our partner there - and it was all lusciously perfect. It was expertly guided by two dear friends such that we sank deeply into a series sacred ceremonies or rituals where we honored the diverse expressions of The Goddess, and celebrated our most intimate essence. They introduced exquisite practices cultivating a deep recognition of Divinity within ourselves & others, as most of us were infused with the natural unity of Sex & Spirit. I can't speak for everyone as my focus through out was on the shakti/goddess in front of me. As I moved around the Sacred Circle, being with each Shakti in a different guided ritual, it became clear that this being with her and honoring the Goddess in her and me was a very deep form of sacred lovemaking without any explicit sexual touch involved. Healings occurred as deep soul connections were surrendered to by each person I was with as well as me. We interwove the principles, traditions and practices from Vedic, Shamanic & Tantric backgrounds to deeply cherish each Shakti.
Before moving to the last exercise of the day, a luscious buffet provided by the shivas and beautifully presented by one of our dear friends (Liz), was available for the shivas to select food their shakti partner desired and to then to sit/lay with her and feed her keeping her engaged with his adoration of the Goddess she was allowing to shine through her.
Can you, as a Shakti, imagine having a man spend hours loving and juicily seeing that you surrendered to being served and allowing pleasure of touch and food to be delivered in love?
It was so interesting observing my partner having to consciously surrender to being served and loving her right where she was. I also must say that men have such precious little training in how to truly honor the goddess in either a woman or themselves. I'm sure that many got to see how their adopted beliefs about relationships between men and women and the “appropriate” roles got thoroughly stretched by those who surrendered to the expert guidance of our puja leader.
I will also assert that a woman who is fully in her own power will naturally draw a man into his power.The day ended with the Shivas delivering an expertly guided two hour full-body massage, yoni massage, including G-area (a skill every man should have!) This provided an enormous opportunity to transform sexual connection into sacred spiritual union and elevate relationships with a deeper sense of freedom, confidence and sensuality, healing the past and setting the tone for a blessed & juicy New Year. Yeah BABY!!!!
Spirit and our course leader had me be with exactly the perfect partner for the day. One of my intentions for the day was to release the role of being a sexual healer and to just drop deeply into service of providing her, and thereby The Goddess, with a deeply honoring ritual of pleasure by touch, word, glance, gift and food, so all of her senses were aroused. This actually created the opening for deep healing to occur, all in how Goddess desired.
Blessed Is,
1 comment:
This addresses some insights that came from the puja or were supported by what came up for participants in their sharing afterwards.
“Can you, as a Shakti, imagine having a man spend hours loving and juicily seeing that you surrendered to being served and allowing pleasure of touch and food to be delivered in love? It was so interesting observing my partner having to consciously surrender to being served and loving her right where she was.” It seems that culturally, it is difficult for a woman to surrender into being totally served by a man when there is no expectation of reciprocation on her part. It is also the place where the deepest healing can arise for her. Today my partner said, “There was a sense of “Who me? You mean this is for me? I 'm really experiencing this?”” My verbal reminders to open her eyes and look into mine helped her stay present.
“I also must say that men have such precious little training in how to truly honor the goddess in either a woman or themselves. I'm sure that many got to see how their adopted beliefs about relationships between men and women and the “appropriate” roles got thoroughly stretched by those who surrendered to the expert guidance of our puja leader.” In listening to particpants processing afterwards I had the sense that the couples were totally perfectly arranged by Spirit for what needed to surface for each, even when in the moment it did not meet their expectations. There shaktis who got to see the disconnect between what they consciously desired from a partner and the energy in them that elicited something different from the shiva and it showed the shiva where he had a disconnect between the intended place of honoring the feminine in their partner and themselves and how they actually showed up for their partner. The ones who were prepared to drop into their heart listened and those still in their heads judged their partner.
“I will also assert that a woman who is fully in her own power will naturally draw a man into his power.” This actually works both ways. Being in the place of owning my power and sacred union with myself, my partner got to expereince being just fine exactly where she was and gave herself permission to drop into a very deep healing as she owned her power. Afterwards, I witnessed others still in the grip of thier own sense of victimhood actually resisting healing.
Are you prepared to be in the space of sacred union for and with a partner?
What if your partner isn't ready to go into sacred union with themselves and you are? So, what does being in integrity with yourself then give you as a course of action?
Blessed Is,
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