Monday, January 22, 2007

Five things most people don't know about me

So here are the five things people generally don't know about me:

  1. When I was 16 I played Jesus on the cross in my church's Passion Play.
  2. I wanted to become a minister out of high school, but accepted an appointment to the US Naval Academy since Dad did not have money for college.
  3. I used to be very embarrassed if I saw a women I knew even partially undressed, so you can guess my reluctance when Spirit called me to provide Tantric Shamanic Healing.
  4. I was responsible for reactivating the first two Battleship's weapons and electronics suites in 1980-83. I had been called to be in sacred service for healing by the start of the first Gulf War, saw I watched with pride as the BB missile went exactly through the correct window and chagrin for knowing my work was killing people.
  5. I used to be addicted to science fiction books in the late 80s and early 90s. Now I read very little as I assist in Earth ascension process. hehehe

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