The energetic downloads for the time frame began last week with disrupted sleep for me in a semi-awake sleep pattern whre most of the dreams were lucid with me speaking to different groups of people. Needless to say, feeling rested in the AM is not part of this shift.
Yesterday, 9/9/9, about 9 AM I was pulled/pushed to sit in meditation with a specific set of primal music playing (Gabrielle Roth - Trance). I moved in my meditation into the diamond core chamber of Mother Earth, making a right turn shift into the company of those I know as the Anasazi. I know Her as Cht'i-ai-a.
Even though I was still consciously in touch with the music and the sounds around my apartment, I discovered I could not even open my eyes, let alone move my body, as I expereinced and enormous download of information flow in and through me. From time to time I had to shift into transmutational breathing to expand my energetic bodies, creating space for that which was flowing. This last for almost an hour.
I started a teleconference at 8 PM last night (9/9/2007) during which we discussed the 9/9/9 energies and as we approached 9 Pm several remarked about the energy ramping up again and I had to end the call early so I could be in bed when 9 rolled around to begin another evening as semi-awake dreaming.
My sense is that this will continue through 9/12 as the 3D reality of Earth and the Multi- Dimensional (MD) reality of Mother Earth begin to separate physically. Some suggest this will be complete around January '08 rather than 2012. The energies will accelerate the uplifting of stuff for conscious processing by those choosing to move into the MD Paradise Reality. Our focus as individuals is to be on that which we are co-creating and how we desire our transition to be experienced and concurrently releasing all attachments to the drama of others and of the 3 D earth. Even as we release these attachments we have been guided to hold the space of passionate compassion and love for all in All. Some of us will actively hold open the rainbow bridges between the two realities during this time of separation.
Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed IS,
PS: The photo is called Transition
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