Sacred Body Integration
I am in the process of reframing my sacred service so that it can be available to a much larger segment of society. To that end I've renamed it Sacred Body Integration which is an integration of the many tools I've been using in providing Tantric Shamanic Healing.
Sacred Body Integration (SBI) is a Soul's Journey to Awakening and is a shamanic process of surrendering into the greatest unknown in your selves/Self. In the shamanic traditions there is no separation between sexuality and spirituality. In our culture we have been taught to make that separation. The shamanic path requires surrender to our darkest shadow, similar to the ritual death of many native shamanic traditions. In our modern culture our shadow is the deepest around sexuality making it the most efficient path to transcendence or direct connection with God.
SBI derives from my work over the last several years as a channel for healing using the different modalities of Reiki, Spiritual Healing, Sacred Sexuality, Tantra/Tao, Tantric Shamanic Healing, and Pelvic Heart Integration with all of it guided by Spirit. All them and more are integrated into a program that is a synergistic blend of the best of them. SBI works with more than just the pelvic region of the first and second chakra, it works with the entire body on all levels. In this fashion, SBI encompasses the whole of it rather than one specific modality.
The first workshop was on 17 February and we enjoyed the deep energy of the Divine Mother as I included the Twin Ray and the Sacred Union Fire in the very experiential introduction of people who knew nothing of Tantra and came because the flyer scared them and they were awake enough to realize this was their next step.
The writeup follows this. My sense is there is a need to address people where they are day to day and shift their conversation around sex so they become more open to the healing available from what we call tantri shamanivc healing.
What do you think?
Blessed Is,
Sacred Body Integration
Experiential Workshop Embracing the Sacred Connection between the Heart and Pelvic Sexual Energy.
Learn how negative emotions around sexuality impact your ability to fully accept joy or manifest prosperity
Experience a combination of Reiki and the Master's Way Healing along with Tantric and Taoist techniques of breath, touch, acupressure and emotional release.
This inquiry moves between the physical and the spiritual as we address the questions:
What are the 3 to 6 things that must be present in my relationship with me for me to be in integrity with me? If any one of them is missing in my relationship with another it leaves me out of integrity with me!
What are the 3 to 6 things that must be present in my relationship with another for me to be in integrity with me? If any one of them is missing in my relationship with another it leaves me out of integrity with me!
Explore sensuality and sacred sexuality as we
Use the breath and body movement to raise our individual life force or sexual energy (Sekhem, Kundalini, Chi, Prana)
Practice feeling a partner's energy fields.
Experience honoring of the Divine Feminine energy and the Divine Masculine energy in self and another.
Practice sharing energy with a partner using breath techniques derived from Source and traditions such as Reiki, Tantra and Tao.
Learn how to hold the space for a partner to totally surrender to pleasure and sexual healing, with no expectation of quid pro quo following.
Workshop Intention is for you to
Discover energy blocks to full creative expression of prosperity and joy in your life.
Develop sense of what is required for you to be in integrity with yourself and others.
Experience a sense of Oneness & Spiritual Intuition.
Understand alternative sexual healing modalities.
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