You'll notice the subject line includes AND rather than Versus.
All is embraced.In observing the occassional tension occurring on various pods and tribes I participate in I am drawn less and less to step into any tension or contention that arises. The same feeling applies to those articles being posted around ascension that include fear around what the other side is doing. In those places of fear is a continuation of separation consiousness.
My inspiration is to align with those who are willing to dive deeply into their own shadow, embracing, loving and transmuting all that is in them. That is where the SECRET is to be found, not out there, some where.
A friend wrote the following on this conversation: "If I acknowledge he has the right to his opinions and then consciously choose not to give him anymore of my attention, his separation consciousness will not expand in my reality. I choose to attract and expand Sacred Union consciousness and ascension and peaceful, harmonious and loving Galactic Citizenry in my reality."
That I align with. And, So It Is!
Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed Is,
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