Last week I saw the following work of art from Teka Luttrell and now use it as my icon on several other networks as it captures the sense I have of merging the Divine I Am Feminine and the Divine I Am Masculine.
Late last week as two sacred union partners and I were exploring what was next for Reality Crafting Paradise in connection with the Diamond Paradise Grid, we were all asked by the fairies to stop taking ourselves so serious and to have fun with it. As we've inquired deeper into this what became clear was that the next step is for us to embrace our own Divine Infant that comes from the Sacred Union of our Divine I Am Feminine and the Divine I Am Masculine merging. So, if we are in deed honoring our Divine Infant, then we are totally present in Divine Love in the NOW. We aren't in the past. We aren't in the future. We're not judging ourselves. Nor are we judging others. Just NOW!!!!!
Take another look at the photo Teka entitled Rise of the Radiant Goddess. It could just as easily be the Divine Infant.
Think about that.... It seems to me Yeshua said it would require becoming as a little child to know the kingdom. Do you suppose becoming our own Divine Infant is where he was pointing?
Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed Is,
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