Sunday, January 06, 2008

Responsibly Assisting Others in Light Body Activation

This began as a response to others seeking assistance with dark entities apparently attacking them in their sleep. In my experience and as I was taught, anything other than love creates a purchase for those which would access our energy. Ultimately it is up to us, as individual aspects of Source, to clear ourselves of all within that is unlike love divine.

When we judge another we are judging and separating within an aspect of ourselves from the whole we would love. When we fear something out there, we are fearing some aspect of us within that resonates with that which is feared and draws it to us/Us.

The ancient Hawaiian method of reconciliation Ho' Oponopono is also a very powerful healing modality, where one embraces that aspect of one's self with Love that is witnessed in another with fear or judgment or just off. In loving that within we also can heal that in the other, bringing us into union.

There was a time when I had just learned the gift of exorcism as well as the experience of having the energy of the Amityville Horror being,

move through my body and nothing changed in me, except to know I was safe in and of my self. Over the next year or so most of my clients for healing exhibited possession, until I got firmly anchored in my own being that I was safe in my self as Source, then the percentage of possession dropped way off.
Another thought on this is that in my ascension work I am clear that the other races who once wanted Earth to die have realized that humanity as moved through the depths it needed to and are now in agreement with and in support of Earth and Humanity ascending. There are only some lost souls, both in bodys and disembodied, who are still in thrall to the old plan. They only feed on those who on some level have given permission. This does not mean that we don't have to do our own work of ascension.

Which brings me to an issue I'll start here and build on in my own thread later. One of the reasons that some people are experiencing very difficult detoxification in their ascension process is that they have not done the individual clearing of their physical bodies to gracefully anchor their I Am Selves in their physical bodies. As one whose work includes passing codes to those who are ready to embody 12 strands of DNA and to activate their light bodies, I always check in with the persons Soul to ensure that I have permission and that I know what their Soul desires. To start someone on their Light Body Activation process withOUT ensuring their readiness does not seem either ethical nor responsible to me.

Consciously merging your Divine I AM Masculine Self and your Divine I Am Feminine Self is the most potent and efficient method for graceful activation of your Light Body and managing gracefully your Ascension Process.

Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed IS,

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