Saturday, May 24, 2008
Observations on Retiring & Moving Into Oneness with Twin Flame
One of the things I've noticed is how seldom I feel called to actually participated on many of the on-line networks which used to consume much of my time. As I embraced this new way of being I sensed that I was seeing that I had accumulated many friends with whom I had little to no direct communication. Hmmm, is this about building numbers to feel important? Perhaps for some and for me on some networks to show I was participating.
The other piece to that is how few actually use their own name or their own photograph. The more I come into Oneness in the Now with Self & my Twin Ray, those connections feel out of integrity with the I Am I AM. My sense is that each of us must embraced precisely who we be, before we can shed those aspects we feel don't support what is next. To declare ourselves to be something we aren't Being without doing the very real work of embracing what is actually prevents our Being that declaration in the Now.
To define ourselves by words or phrases that serve as a facade or mask is an act of fear. When we fear, the fear draws that which is feared to us. I acknowledge that to embrace what is, sometimes means we get to embrace a pile of offal. We don't get to transmute the offal into the Gold of our Soul until we Love Our Selves precisely as we have created ourselves up to this moment of NOW!
Another general observation is the enormous amount of detoxifying that occurs when we actually live in the Now Moment as our way of Being. It isn't just a Spiritual conversation. All of our bodies, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and etheric must play as we detoxify from our attachments and parasitic connections of friends, family and clients. I've seen many clients and friends pull away in anger when they saw I was truly connected to my Twin Ray/Flame and that we had sealed our selves in our own Sanctuary, so that no one was feeding off of either of US. Yes, there are few who choose to be with us now as we sort out all of the areas of attachments to to thoughts, beliefs and ways of Being which no longer serve Us or humanity for that matter.
The packing process before moving gave me a wonderful opportunity to feel the energy of all the stuff around me in my apartment and then to throw away much I have been storing for 50 years. We estimate that we filled at least 3 dumpsters before the move and one on the day the movers picked up my furniture and boxes. This led to much physical and emotional detoxification that week that continued after we began opening all the boxes here in Houston. Since arriving here we've continued the 70 % raw food plan along with the green lemonade drink as well as a Ionic footbath every three days along with parasitic cleanses. More on this vital subject another time.
Hmmm, enough for now - to be continued.
Blessed IS,
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Attachments - Parasites or Vampires
Attachments - Parasites or Vampires
On the last two Reality Crafting team calls we’ve been working to clear the various astral planes associated with the different realities of Earth. We had noticed the previous week that there were still attachments of entities and implants which had not moved and I saw that those which were actually connected to hosts are well skilled in staying hidden (subtle exorcism techniques required) and therefore weren’t available for the first night’s work.
This Monday, the 10th, we when deeper into the astral realms and noticed a pulsing energy that caused the astral bodies of entities, implants and other attachments to break free and be lifted away. One of my considerations for this work was knowing that these attachments always come with some form of permission for the host, therefore free will was not to be interfered with at the Soul level and care was taken that each Soul was allowed to participate or not depending on its plan for the individual host. We observed that the astral planes became lighter and of higher frequency as the work progressed and that there were fewer separate Earth realities as we completed than earlier.
My personal experience with the removal of attachments began Tuesday afternoon and lasted through Wednesday morning with significant and frequent diarrhea, a few cramps, but no other signs of dis-ease such as fever, chills, etc. As I worked on this, assisted by some very dear friends, I saw this as a reaction of my body to parasites that began with some sushi earlier in the afternoon and continued that process that had been triggered by the work we did Monday evening. Essentially I became aware of the attachments I was clearing to a number of close friends/clients who I’ve been holding the space for their wholeness Now. As I inquired within during this process, the title of this article “Attachments - Parasites or Vampires” came to me.
Next I will quote from Wikipedia on Parasitism:
Parasitism is a type of symbiotic relationship between organisms of different species in which one, the parasite, benefits from a prolonged, close association with the other, the host, which is harmed. In general, parasites are much smaller than their hosts, show a high degree of specialization for their mode of life and reproduce more quickly and in greater numbers than their hosts. Classic examples of parasitism include the interactions between vertebrate hosts and such diverse animals as the tapeworms, flukes, Plasmodium species and fleas.
“The harm and benefit in parasitic interactions concern the biological fitness of the organisms involved. Parasites reduce host fitness in many ways, ranging from general or specialized pathology (such as castration), impairment of secondary sex characteristics, to the modification of host behavior. Parasites increase their fitness by exploiting hosts for food, habitat and dispersal.”
“Although the concept of parasitism applies unambiguously to many cases in nature, it best considered part of continuum of types of interactions between species, rather than an exclusive category. Particular interactions between species may satisfy some but not all parts of the definition. In many cases, it is difficult to demonstrate the host is harmed. In others, there may be no apparent specialization on the part of the parasite, or the interaction between the organisms may be short-lived. For example, because of the episodic nature of its feeding habits, the mosquito is not considered parasitic. In medicine, only eukaryotic organisms are considered parasites, to the exclusion of bacteria and viruses. Some branches of biology, however, do regard members of these groups to be parasitic.”
As I extended my inquiry of “Attachments - Parasites or Vampires” through this definition I recognized that I was being shown a deeper aspect of my own teaching of having no attachments. What I and my friends were sensing as I worked through the parasitic releases in my body were attachments to people whom I hold in mutual love. What was that about? Pure love is a noun, not a verb. It is a field of all potentiality, not a force of causation. To truly love is to be that space of love, granting the others total free will in their expression and experience of life. It is theirs to create, not mine to guide, or to fix or to be more in alignment with me. So I recognize that last night I was and am surrendering all attachments that those I encounter on my path be anything other than they be in each moment of Now.
More as it is revealed.
Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed IS,
See this
Friday, February 01, 2008
My February Travels
My February Travels

Recently I read of another's encounter with the Goddess Sekmet and knew/expereinced again the truth of my own physical connections with Sophia/Ma'at & Isis/Hathor. They are so real to me as my blood line as me/Me. Also living with in me is Pele' who sends you greetings.
Sunday I fly to meet Her on the land of Kauai and seek to understand if the She and the Kahuna of my Hawaiian lineage truly desire my return to a place they have told me is my home. Next week, I'll participate in a Sacred Union Reunion retreat with many of my soul family as we explore the energies of the island and connect with the Goddess (Pele & Isis) energies. This has been organized and will be led by Suzanna Kennedy of Reality Crafting (
The following week I will settle in for a week to explore the current community around Kapa'a and the North Shore. There I will be offering private Sacred Body Integration sessions (only 2 openings left), a Valentine's Puja and then a Sacred Body Integration workshop.
After I return on the 19th I'll be sharing more of what is next for me.
Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed IS,
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
My Next Project in Kauai in February 08
Valentine’s Day Celebration
Sacred Ceremony, Dancing, Feasting
5 pm to 10 pm Thursday, February 14
(North Shore Location)
Singles and couples are welcome. Cost $40.
Come play, learn and grow while we create the safe and sacred space for your own inner Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine to dance into integrated wholeness.
Sacred Connection: Experience the Sacred Art of Puja, an ancient ritual of deep connection and intimacy, where we explore our loving presence.
Life Force: Experience raising your personal Divine Life Force in a sensual, non-sexual and safe environment.
Sharing: Bring sumptuous, sensual pupus
Sacred Body Integration
An Experiential Workshop Embracing
The Sacred Connection Between
The Heart, The Body and Your I AM Self
10 am to 6 pm Saturday, February 16
(North Shore Location)
Singles and couples are welcome. Cost $145
· Learn what is in the way of fully anchoring your I AM Self in your physical body
· Discover how your negative emotions and beliefs disconnect you from your Divine Life Force Energy and impacts your ability to fully embrace joy, pleasure or prosperity
· Connecting with your Divine I AM Self makes anything possible
This work is a combination of Reiki and the Master's Way Healing along with Tantric and Taoist techniques of breath, touch, acupressure and emotional release.
Facilitator: Jeremiah Lindsay, Minister of Spiritual Science, Reiki Master/Teacher, Tantric healing practitioner. Besides working with clients privately, Jeremiah currently leads workshops in Sacred Body Integration, Sacred Sexuality, Tantric Shamanic Healing, Divine Human Upgrades, Reiki attunements, Meditation, Spiritual Healing and Journey’s Awakening.
Call Suzanna at (808) 828-6542 or email
Address given upon registration. Arrive 20 minutes early for check-in so we can start on time. Please dress in comfortable clothes that make you feel beautiful!
Private sessions also available
More info at
- "Jeremiah, with you, I feel for the first time in my life, totally safe and fully nurtured."
Millie Knox - "Jeremiah, thank you for our session last weekend. It was a very powerful experience and really represents the best potential of tantric/shamanic work. The peace and deepened perception has carried through, as well as the sense of living more deeply in my body and a nice sense of "physical yum." You did an amazing job holding space on multiple levels. I feel a deepened sense of energy, emotion, physical joy, physical and emotional release and a clear and present connection to Source. The divine masculine, higher self, and many aspects of the divine feminine were all interwoven with an overall synergy, which is the mark of a master healer. And boy! Do you have juice!"
Namaste, Aura
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Responsibly Assisting Others in Light Body Activation
When we judge another we are judging and separating within an aspect of ourselves from the whole we would love. When we fear something out there, we are fearing some aspect of us within that resonates with that which is feared and draws it to us/Us.
The ancient Hawaiian method of reconciliation Ho' Oponopono is also a very powerful healing modality, where one embraces that aspect of one's self with Love that is witnessed in another with fear or judgment or just off. In loving that within we also can heal that in the other, bringing us into union.
There was a time when I had just learned the gift of exorcism as well as the experience of having the energy of the Amityville Horror being,
Another thought on this is that in my ascension work I am clear that the other races who once wanted Earth to die have realized that humanity as moved through the depths it needed to and are now in agreement with and in support of Earth and Humanity ascending. There are only some lost souls, both in bodys and disembodied, who are still in thrall to the old plan. They only feed on those who on some level have given permission. This does not mean that we don't have to do our own work of ascension.
Which brings me to an issue I'll start here and build on in my own thread later. One of the reasons that some people are experiencing very difficult detoxification in their ascension process is that they have not done the individual clearing of their physical bodies to gracefully anchor their I Am Selves in their physical bodies. As one whose work includes passing codes to those who are ready to embody 12 strands of DNA and to activate their light bodies, I always check in with the persons Soul to ensure that I have permission and that I know what their Soul desires. To start someone on their Light Body Activation process withOUT ensuring their readiness does not seem either ethical nor responsible to me.
Consciously merging your Divine I AM Masculine Self and your Divine I Am Feminine Self is the most potent and efficient method for graceful activation of your Light Body and managing gracefully your Ascension Process.
Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed IS,