Aloha All,
This posting comes from a conversation I was having with my friend Kande yesterday, about the different issues that come up for and around our clients as they awaken, particularly when the awakening includes a kundalini & sexual energy awakening. Kande used the word ecology, which left me giggling as, in the moment, in struck me as humorous.
As I thought about it later I recognized that when I use the word ecological I'm referring to keeping our environment and nature free of toxic materials. Okay, since everything is energy anyway, why not consider the ecology of what occurs around the awakening process. When I experienced a major opening of my root and sex chakras in July of 2001 because of a series of sacred spot sessions (prostate and coccyx massage) a huge amount of drama was created around me among my friends. It took me about 2 weeks to get that in my opening up my sexual and kundalini energies were swirling all over the place and not contained within my energetic tube toroid. Women came on to me and relationships fell apart. I wasn't being ecologically responsible for my energy. Once I learned how to contain that, things settled down, unfortunately, lots of damage was done.
Some of my recent SBI clients and DHU students are having similar situations come up for them as they go through the process of awakening, particularly when the Divine Feminine is ignited and it pushes aside the masculine energy they have been carrying. It seems to me that part of the process of containing this is to actually be present to it and in embracing it working with our inner child and advisor of integrity to consciously move this energetic overloads within an expanded tube torus. Another source of containment is to go through the process of fully embodying both our Divine Feminine and our Divine Masculine in Sacred Marriage.
It is my sense that this process of Sacred Marriage is a step beyond the DHUpgrades for those who've held significant blockages in the pelvis as well as blocks to free flow between the pelvis and the heart. This suggests a pairing of the the modalities of DHU and SBI to move to the other isde of this rapidly and coming into fully loving one's self/Self.
What does your heart have to say here?
Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed IS,