There Is No Secret Out There…
The Key Is Within You!
Did you know that your sexual beliefs are the most powerful way to get what you want, or to NOT get what you want?
The sexual act in its most basic form is the act of creation, creating life. But did you know that the ENERGY of sex is also the energy with which you manifest?
What if sex isn’t just about sexual energy – what if it’s also the energy that allows you to manifest ANYTHING?
Our negative sexual beliefs can prevent us from manifesting on all levels – financially, physically, relationally, emotionally and spiritually. Western society does not embrace an individuals’ sexual expression, which can lead to energetic repression. When a person develops negative sexual beliefs, conflicting thoughts and emotions are created in the body that separates us from our personal Life Force – the same Life Force that enables us to manifest everything in life.
If we’re willing to get in touch with who we are, there is nothing we need from outside ourselves.
Separation from your inner core occurs for many reasons and for many of us it came from just living in a social structure that denigrates both the feminine and sexual expression. Separation from your inner core also occurs when inappropriate sexual advances are forced upon you and this can be as simple as saying “yes” when your body intuition is “NO!”
Our modern cultural paradigm does not embrace the connection between the heart and pelvic sexual energy or an individuals’ sexual expression as Sacred.
Love is disconnected from sex and sexuality. Society says sex is sinful and attempts to suppress it. The consequence of that has most in our society holding conflicting thoughts and emotions in the body, especially the pelvis that separate us from our personal life force.
This sexual wounding affects your ability to be joyful, your ability to have all the time you need, your sexual pleasure, your feelings of safety and security, your relationships, your ability to express yourself creatively and your ability to manifest abundance and prosperity.
Some traditions teach that the only true healing is to ultimately leave the body. This is practiced by many by meditating in the lotus position with the calves crossed. This short circuits the energy flow just below the heart making it easy to go up and out of the physical body.
Unfortunately this also has us disconnecting our sexuality, from Spirit, Source or God/Goddess.
Our sexual energy is nothing more than our life force.
Some know this as Sekhem, Kundalini, Prana or Chi, which all relate to connecting to the Divine or to Source. Your life is being lived inside the human separation consciousness that has many believing in lack and limitation.
Until these are cleared you may find that even though you follow the steps from “The Secret” your experiences still aren’t consistent.
Let me share with you some of the impacts of holding unresolved emotions and memories in your physical/mental/emotional bodies by referring to the seven major chakras or energy centers of your body.
Root Chakra {PHYSICAL BEING} The location of the Root Chakra is below the perineum and includes the Sacral Pump and Coccyx and links us to the physical world as well as to the Energy of Earth. The concepts of Being and Beingness are transformed here. This allows for the creation of the foundation where we evolve and build personality. Fully balanced, the Root Chakra enhances and promotes physical health, prosperity, security and a dynamic presence. This chakra is associated with Energy, Security and Survival. It is the primary vehicle through which life force energy can be transformed and integrated with spiritual energy. If we carry here a belief from this or other lives that we are not worthy or will not be provided for, that will be our ultimate experience around abundance. This can be resolved by Sacred Body Integration.
Belly Chakra {REPRODUCTION OF BEING} The Belly Chakra, also known as the Sex Chakra, is located at the top of the uterus for women and at the top of the spleen for men. This is the center for creativity and sexual energy. As such, it can be oriented to self-gratification. However, in balance, it can accentuate equilibrium in the free giving and receiving of feelings and emotions and the regulation of relationships through feeling, desire, sensation and movement. When fully open, balanced and harmonized, this chakra brings us fluidity, grace, sexual fulfillment, profound emotional experience and the ability to accept change. The Belly or Sex Chakra is the energy center from which is birthed, literally, the fruits of our labor in all domains of our lives. Blockages here may be reflected in not having enough time, enough money or a free flow of personal creativity. Cervical cancer and prostate cancer seem to flow from suppressed emotions around abuse from this and other lives. This can be resolved by Sacred Body Integration.
Solar Plexus Chakra {FORMATION OF BEING} This chakra includes the Pancreas, which produces the hormones and enzymes that govern the ability to burn food in our bodies. The integration of 'Being' from the higher chakras and 'Feeling' from the lower chakras forms personality here and is the center of both fear (often expressed as anger) and happiness. Known by some as the "Power Chakra" this is the point of conversion where the physical body transmutes cosmic energies into usable physical energy, ultimately our sustenance comes through this transducer. This is where we experience our ego and our identity as well as where we are steered to self-definition: the mirrors of our lives - the people and situations we encounter that evoke in us emotional responses. It is also the region of raw, unprocessed, primal emotion and is the area that governs our ability to burn that raw emotion into our spirits. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and power. When this chakra is not healthy, we experience fear, tightness, digestive difficulties and our sexual energy is blocked form going to our heart. Sometimes the energy blockages show up here as diabetes or not feeling like there is any sweetness in life. These can be resolved by Sacred Body Integration.
The Heart Chakra is in the middle of the seven primary chakras. The physical heart is like a step-up transformer, revitalizing blood circulation. The Heart Chakra is like a step-up transformer, revitalizing energy circulation. Balanced, it integrates systemic polarity – e.g., ego & universality, male & female, the light and the shadow, etc. The tongue is the opening of the Heart. Therefore, the Heart Chakra and the Throat Chakra are irrevocably linked. The Heart is like a web: The negative emotion of the Heart is cruelty, hot-tempered and violence. The nature of the heart is Joy, Honor, Compassion, Social Awareness & Social Identity, and Sincerity to Raise Kindness Consciousness. When the Heart Chakra is whole, the entire system experiences pervasive peace and centeredness. A Heart Chakra holding onto a memory of being unworthy of being loved or of fearing to be powerful will be closed making relationship problematic. A prime issue for many women is the giving of nurturing emotional energy to others and not to themselves, with this showing up as breast cancer. These can be resolved by Sacred Body Integration.
This chakra includes the Thyroid, again regulating metabolism. Some call this, the “Weak and Dangerous Energy Center” as it is oriented to self-expression and relates to communication and vibration (like sound as a vibrational representation of experience). It’s the area from the base of the throat in the front and the medulla oblongata in the back to the top of the mouth in the center. This is the channel where feelings and emotions are transformed into expressions. Without the tongue, the Heart has no expression. This relates to sound on both the physical and the metaphysical levels. With the Throat Chakra clarified, we are vibrationally expressed on the Earth plane fully. It is through this chakra that we literally give voice to being. Issues about speaking one’s truth and standing in one’s power tend to show up as TMJ or pain in the muscles around the jaw joint. There is a correspondence energetically between the interior of the mouth and the interior of the pelvis. Again these issues can be resolved by Sacred Body Integration.
The Third Eye runs right through the Pituitary Gland. The Pituitary Gland regulates body growth and, again, metabolism, and at this point spiritual energy is transformed. One could think of this point as a God Transducer. It’s located at the top point of an equilateral triangle formed with the two physical eyes. The Third Eye Chakra enables recognition of Being and Beingness. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. As the Third Eye is opened, we are opened to our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal knowing. It’s the center of intuition and knowingness in spiritual matters, even as they translate to the experiences on the physical plane.
Crown Chakra {PURE BEING}
This includes the Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland regulates the secretion of the hormone melatonin which plays a vital role in sexual development (continuance of creation) and metabolism (making use of Universal Knowledge and Wisdom). As God Energy comes into the system, this is where it is stored and refined. It’s a Light receptor enabling consciousness as pure awareness. It is located about 6-8 inches above the center of the top of the head. The Crown Chakra provides a primary connection to God Consciousness or Universal Life Force energy. It is through the clarification and opening of this chakra that we can achieve Bliss through unity with All That Is.
Many of the various healing modalities being used in our society have their place and most usually have limitations. That is why I’ve studied so many alternative healing modalities and have integrated them into one holistic system.
Starting off as a Reiki practitioner I have seen its limitations when applied only as a energy practice without touch. Counseling tends to only address the clients mental body with a rare practitioner bringing in Spirit or touch, it isn’t holistic. Tantra provides great tools and insights into our bodies and as it confronts so many who have accepted weird stories about NeoTantra – that isn’t what Sacred Body Integration offers. In my expertise there is no one modality, on its own, that does it all.
The illusion of separation drives our world, permeating our society, perpetuating “sexual power over” others and increasing exponentially with each new generation. You can stop the illusion of separation in its tracks by initiating your inner journey back to Sacred Union through Sacred Body Integration.
Sacred Body Integration
Sacred Body Integration (SBI) is a Soul’s Journey to Awakening and a shamanic process of surrendering into the greatest unknown in your selves/Self.
In the shamanic traditions there is no separation between sexuality and spirituality. In our culture we have been taught to make that separation. The shamanic path requires surrender to our darkest shadow, similar to the ritual death of many native shamanic traditions. In our modern culture our shadow is the deepest around sexuality making it the most efficient path to transcendence or direct connection with God.
SBI derives from my work over the last several years as a channel for healing using the different modalities of Reiki, Spiritual Healing, Sacred Sexuality, Tantra/Tao, Tantric Shamanic Healing, and Pelvic Heart Integration with all of it guided by Spirit. All of them and more are integrated into a program that is a synergistic blend of the best of them. SBI works with more than just the pelvic region of the first and second chakra, it works with the entire body on all levels. In this fashion, SBI encompasses the whole of it rather than one specific modality.
Impact of Separation Consciousness
Self Worth Many in our society take on feelings of not being worthy. Counseling can help on this, but it doesn’t touch the tissue where the memories and emotions of this are stored in the pelvis. SBI goes there.
Addictions Recent biological, psychiatric and neurological research shows that the different drugs of abuse - alcohol, cocaine, heroin, nicotine - have the same effect. All corrupt the reward or "feel-good" pathways within the brain, which leads to addiction. Addiction is both biological and psychological. The addict’s brain is not responding normally. They can't get better on their own. Researchers are looking for chemicals to block the pathways of desire for the "drugs" in question. That misses the point that something had already screwed up their pathways predisposing them to "drug addiction." Perhaps our process of enculturation is antithetical to natures plan for our evolution.
Some of us escape that by virtue of spiritual insights, fostered or triggered by the very trauma we accepted as part of our life plan. I am clear that SBI provides a direct and efficient access to the clients rewiring their own pathways. Remember the mind is not encapsulated in the brain; it does include the entire body and extends far beyond our heart. Some say it extends all the way to the Great Central Sun of the Big Bang.
The upper heart when truly whole and balanced can alter the fields of the mind and thereby rewire the brains pathways as well as our DNA and the holographic information in our Akashic Records. That is how much of the healing that occurs through SBI manifests, WE rewrite their records consciously.
Upper And Lower Heart The upper heart is made up of smooth striated muscle. The only other organ with this physical form is the uterus. In my cosmology, our physical body is formed from the bottom up, first chakra, second chakra, crown and so forth. Women who listen to their bodies know their uterus is more in tune with Mother Earth and Sister Moon than their upper heart is. I chose a long time ago to treat the uterus or vessel of the energy of the Mother as the first heart and the actual blood pump as the second heart. For some clients I'll use lower and upper hearts to bypass their unease with my languaging. I acknowledge that much of my early guidance for healing sexual trauma in women came from the guided meditation work of Stephen and Ondrea Levine for healing and awareness around death, dying and sexual trauma. For me it totally fits to connect sexual trauma healing with that of death & dying. Both ultimately deal with choosing to express life force in their body or not.
Trauma & Sexual Healing In my experience, resolving any trauma, which when repressed drops into the pelvic cradle, is accomplished by the same process as the resolution of sexual trauma. This resolution opens the pathways to feeling pleasure and pain as a whole, without separation. Addictions disappear. Split and multiple personalities integrate on their own, without resource to drugs which just turns off their access to the own Spirit. Access to Transcendence is opened.
Sacred Body Integration Healing Modalities
Sacred Body Integration We dive into the separation of the hearts, examining the separation between the first heart (the uterus – second chakra) and the second heart. This initiates the conscious union of the upper heart in the physical body with the heart of the self and the Soul. It is the work of allowing and consciously giving one’s self permission to be in exactly the state being experienced. Thus, we bridge the chasm between the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine creating Sacred Union within our self. In the Soul’s Journey to Awakening we will create compassion for all of our darkness as well as all of our light.
Sacred Body Integration Workshops Preparing people for being at choice for their deep Tantric healing is for those who are consciously choosing to move through all that prevents them from realizing and fulfilling on their soul’s purpose in taking birth this time around. These workshops are about people experiencing being deeply and fully in their body. This is a journey of surrender and creation, of awakening to the soul and to the Soul as steps in a persons "Journey of Awakening". It is an experiential inquiry into “seeing” who We Are and gaining access to expressing to the universe the “Gold” that we are.
Center of Light Healing Spiritual healing, or energy attunement, balances energy fields physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to facilitate wellness of body, mind, emotions and spirit. As a result, the causes of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual conflicts in your life may be removed or resolved. This includes reducing or removing pain and speeding healing associated with dis-ease, injury or surgery. Spiritual healing starts with the inquiry, “What brought you to me?” You consciously participate in your own healing at all levels. I only facilitate your healing process by serving as conduit to God.
Those with a diagnosed disease or disorder should only use this work in addition to and not in lieu of treatment by a licensed medical doctor.
My practice with all new clients is to check in with their soul and Oversoul or soul/Soul to see if “they” consider working with me to be in the Highest Good and in the client's highest good.
If I do not get a clear affirmative, I will decline to waste their money and my time. I only do this check in with the soul/Soul after obtaining permission from the client.
To limit the possibility of dependency, I see a client for a maximum of 8 sessions in a year. That is about as much as most can integrate by themselves. I want clients to own their own well being, so I give them home work to complete between sessions or we don't meet.
Reiki is that primal energy which emanates continuously from the single source of universal power and existence.
It is done by a laying on of hands touch healing system of incomparable ease and power. Reiki is a Japanese word, which evolved, in early 20th century for the modern world by the combining together of two other Japanese words - " Rei " and " Ki ". Rei signifies the Universal aspect and Ki signifies Life Force Energy. Thus Reiki literally means the Universal Life Force Energy.
It uses divine or universal energy to treat various ailments by the use of touch therapy or through distance or absentee methods. In this system of natural healing, the treatments are effected without the use of any medicines and as such there are no side effects. This system is normally considered to be highly beneficial for the treatment of chronic ailments like asthma, allergies, blood pressures, back pains, joint pains, stomach-related problems, gynecological problems, sleeplessness, depression, diabetes, skin problems, etc.
The beauty of this system is that it is very simple to learn, because more than learning and related practice, it is a system based upon empowerment. The greatest utility of this system is that with equal ease, effectiveness and comfort, the treatments are possible for self as well as anyone else.
Healing the Masters' Way
Healing the Masters’ Touch techniques apply the Masters or Angelic powers of healing energy directly to a specific problem or condition cellularly and etherically.
In this method of healing, I step out of the way and channel that which needs to come through working in partnership with your soul. This is a partnership of conscious participation in a dance between your soul, my soul, the Masters/Angels and God for that which is for your highest good.
Treatments may be effectively combined with conventional medicine therapies for treating many conditions including nervous system disorders, dyslexia, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, urinary tract or kidney infections, vaginal or intestinal yeast infections including candida, allergies, skin disorders, chemical imbalances, tumors, cancers, problems of over/under weight, broken bones, deteriorating organs, clearing of emotional issues that may block healing and many other conditions. This may include the etheric replacement of bones, organs or other tissue or transmutation. It may also involve the removal of entities or souls that have not gone to the Light; exorcism as a healing technique is as valid as any other. Healing in other times is a valuable tool for the relief of unexplained ailments.
The Sacred Sexuality Workshop Series or Soul’s Journey to Awakening
This work is an act of great courage of surrendering into the greatest unknown. In the shamanic traditions there is no separation between sexuality and spirituality. In our culture we have been taught to make that separation.
To step into the shamanic path one must surrender to their own darkest shadow, which is very similar to the ritual death of many native shamanic traditions. For most of society, that shadow is the deepest around sexuality. That is why it can be the most efficient path to transcendence and direct connection with God. That is why great courage is called for.
Just as the masculine and the feminine in each of us blend at the moment of death, they blend during the paroxysm of deep sexual union, when both have surrendered to each other. Here the “both” refers to both “two individuals in sexual union” as well as to an individual experiencing blending the feminine and the masculine during sacred spot meditation or sacred spot healing.
It is the work of allowing and consciously giving one’s self, permission to be in exactly the state being experienced, however painful and however ecstatic.
This requires the surrender of the self to the Self. We will dive into the pain of the separation of the hearts. Here we will examine the separation between the first heart (the uterus – second chakra) and the second heart. This calls for the conscious union of the upper heart in the physical body with the heart of the self/soul and the Self/Soul. It is the work of allowing and consciously giving one’s self-permission to be in exactly the state being experienced.
After bridging the chasm between the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine, we will play with the spiritual roles of the masculine and the feminine. What if the masculine spiritual role is to sustain so as to create? And what if the feminine spiritual role is to create so as to sustain?
The next level of work for many men and women is in creating compassion for men and women and all of our darkness as men and women, as well as all of our light. It seems like many clergy have been called to celibacy in an attempt to avoid the darkness in their sexual mature.
Are we really to suppress the sacred gift of our sexuality?
Might that not be the key to experiencing the Divine? What must we do or be to come face to face with the beloved within and without? Is it possible to find our beloved without before we’ve come face to face with our beloved within?
Tantric tools will be addressed that facilitate full ownership of the pain of separation both from God/Goddess/Universe/Is as well as from each other. At this point one maybe faced with the choice of diving into the pain of unknown or suspected trauma. It is only in the full ownership of traumas from this life, and others, that we have the ability to release them. The releasing and letting go process starts with recognizing it, for it doesn't exist if you don't recognize it. You must acknowledge it then so that you can embrace it.
Without embracing it, you can't let it go or release it.
Sacred Body Integration Workshop Intentions:
The intention is to prepare people for being at choice for the deep tantric healing work. It is for those who are consciously choosing to move through all that prevents them from realizing and fulfilling on their soul’s purpose in taking birth this time around. It is about experiencing being deeply and fully in their body.
This is a journey of surrender and creation, of awakening to the soul and to the Soul as steps in "Journey’s Awakening". It is an experiential inquiry into “seeing” who We Are and gaining access to expressing to the universe the “Gold” that we are.
We all have what we need inside. An intention is to awaken us to the truth of who we are at a deep experiential level; to experience simultaneously in all five bodies being God and being with God.
We will address waking up our physical body to being touched by ourselves and others as a sacred form of play that has nothing to do with a mental conversation, visualization or fantasy.
We will experience healing the emotional memories of trauma residing in our bodies from the top of our head and tips of our toes to the dark hidden memories in our G-spots, yoni, lingam, prostate, anus and tailbone.
We will learn how to access the experience of being in relationship with the spiritual part of us that is always connected to All That Is, Spirit, God or Goddess.
We will have the experience of awakening our Sacred Heart, or Thymus Chakra to be in communication across space-time.
We will experience surrendering to both the divine feminine and the divine masculine within our own body.
We will develop tools to experience deep healing of feelings of separation between the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine through Sacred Sexual Union with another and All That Is, Spirit, God or Goddess.
We will experience ourselves as the Beloved Soulmate.
We will experience ourselves as complete and be prepared to offer that in intimate relationships.
We will experience surrendering and creating the awakening to the soul and to the Soul, as a step in the journey of each soul’s awakening to the Truth of who you will remember yourself to be.
My Sacred Service is as a Channel for Sacred Body Integration and employs Energy, Tantric, Sexual, Spiritual and Shamanic Healing modalities.
Being an ordained minister of Spiritual Science and a certified Reiki Master Teacher, Jeremiah Lindsay has provided sacred sexual healing in various forms since '93. His work is guided by Spirit to elicit the kind of profound sexual healing responses that create access to transcendent sex. Clients have found that this not only heals and generates a deeper relationship with their inner divine feminine and divine masculine; they can recreate this in their own intimate relationships.
The SBI that comes through Jeremiah occurs as a rebirthing experience, as you dive into your heart and body generating love for your self. Jeremiah considers it a great honor and very humbling to be present as others rebirth themselves from old memories and conversations into a more available NOW!
For information on Jeremiah’s workshops, TeleClasses or One-on-One Private Sessions, go to:
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Separation Consciousness AND Sacred Union Consciousness

You'll notice the subject line includes AND rather than Versus.
All is embraced.In observing the occassional tension occurring on various pods and tribes I participate in I am drawn less and less to step into any tension or contention that arises. The same feeling applies to those articles being posted around ascension that include fear around what the other side is doing. In those places of fear is a continuation of separation consiousness.
My inspiration is to align with those who are willing to dive deeply into their own shadow, embracing, loving and transmuting all that is in them. That is where the SECRET is to be found, not out there, some where.
A friend wrote the following on this conversation: "If I acknowledge he has the right to his opinions and then consciously choose not to give him anymore of my attention, his separation consciousness will not expand in my reality. I choose to attract and expand Sacred Union consciousness and ascension and peaceful, harmonious and loving Galactic Citizenry in my reality."
That I align with. And, So It Is!
Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed Is,
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