Aloha & Namaste' All,
Thought I would recap where things are and then address schedule for next few months.
My Household goods were moved out the 23rd. The Give away of HHG to Women's shelter on was on the 24th. Currently I'm experiencing being in an empty house with borrowed inflatable mattress, card table, patio chair & my laptop. Shipment went into container yesterday with 4 to 6 weeks being usual. Erica will clean the house this afternoon.
I will turn in the keys and walk thru with the landlord tomorrow and then move in Al & Chery until I fly to Costa Rica on the 6th. Until then I intend to continue the documentation process to apply for pensionista resident as soon as I can. Once in Costa Rica I will move into my empty apt & borrow or rent what I need to be in my own space until the shipment. It feels vital to allow myself to ground alone.
I will participate in a retreat with Deborah Taj Anapol in Tulum the last week of May. I will join Taj on the Big Island the last 10 days of June; for the solstice and a Hawaiian people's festival at the City Of Refuge on 26 & 27 June.
I'm to leave Houston without an agenda for Costa Rica, without any attachments to what may Be. I'm taking my cue of next steps from those who come to me. My guidance also suggests I'm to hit the road running when I return to Costa Rica in July. I have not a clue at this point as to what that means for it shall reveal itself.
I also want to acknowledge several who have effectively mirrored back to me the truth of me in the face of my BS Core (we all have one by the way - it interferes with the projection of our reality by our Creational Womb). Ana, Bobbi, Loraine, Nancy, AmyS, Sandra, Kande, Suzanna, Jody, Cheryl, Thomas, Debi, Kristin, David, Lisa Renee and others....
Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed IS,