A Perspective on Re-Incarnation
And a Response to my friend Floggiston’s Query “Are lessons really necessary?
I am quite familiar with the quoted text from Spalding’s work. His works were among the many required readings as I studied for my ordination as a Minister of Spiritual Science back in the 90’s and yes, it brought up lots of internal inquiry as well as arguments with my teachers.
Your question “Are lessons really necessary?” is an interesting question and the answer is related to my knowing that we are each an aspect of the Beginning, which chose to know It’s Self more deeply through experiencing all the different ways of not being One with Its Self. It seems to me that we always knew and experienced our connection to this Source or The Beginning until some of us began to wonder what it would be like to go into Separation Consciousness. And thus we have forgotten who we are.
In that forgetting, we began making choices not of the Highest Good leaving stuff unresolved at our death resulting in the need to incarnate again and again … and again, until we reach a point of awareness that we can actually complete all karma in a given life. That has been my mission since the late 90’s. This, the embracing, loving, forgiving and transmuting of everything we are experiencing and witnessing as our own, is the access to Paradise on Earth where we are still embodied and once again are a conscious creator of that, rather than the unconscious creators we’ve been for seemingly eons.
So, the lessons are just there out of our own choices in all of our embodiments for they all are existing Now. For me, the question of Are they necessary, is a mute point.
Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed Is,
Here is the posting that generated the above:
Floggiston’s question: “Are lessons really necessary?
Jeremiah, I stumbled upon this, and I like to know your opinion about this: "It is from this point of view that the Masters look upon reincarnation. They say that it is not necessary. It is a human position only. They say that if there is a light placed in the center of the room the best way to reach that light is to go straight to it. Why circle around it time after time? If you go directly to that light and pick it up and incorporate it, you are through with all incarnation and karma completely. It is only man's failure to go direct to the central point or fact of life that keeps him in the "wheel of incessant grind." If he will accept that central fact, which is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, he will have arrived and all his going round and round will have ceased, it will have to come to an end." [Baird T. Spalding: Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East; Vol. IV, Ch. viii-18]
I am quite familiar with the quoted text from Spalding’s work. His works were among the many required readings as I studied for my ordination as a Minister of Spiritual Science back in the 90’s and yes, it brought up lots of internal inquiry as well as arguments with my teachers.
Your question “Are lessons really necessary?” is an interesting question and the answer is related to my knowing that we are each an aspect of the Beginning, which chose to know It’s Self more deeply through experiencing all the different ways of not being One with Its Self. It seems to me that we always knew and experienced our connection to this Source or The Beginning until some of us began to wonder what it would be like to go into Separation Consciousness. And thus we have forgotten who we are.
In that forgetting, we began making choices not of the Highest Good leaving stuff unresolved at our death resulting in the need to incarnate again and again … and again, until we reach a point of awareness that we can actually complete all karma in a given life. That has been my mission since the late 90’s. This, the embracing, loving, forgiving and transmuting of everything we are experiencing and witnessing as our own, is the access to Paradise on Earth where we are still embodied and once again are a conscious creator of that, rather than the unconscious creators we’ve been for seemingly eons.
So, the lessons are just there out of our own choices in all of our embodiments for they all are existing Now. For me, the question of Are they necessary, is a mute point.
Much Love, Gobs of Laughter & Blessed Is,
Here is the posting that generated the above:
Floggiston’s question: “Are lessons really necessary?
Jeremiah, I stumbled upon this, and I like to know your opinion about this: "It is from this point of view that the Masters look upon reincarnation. They say that it is not necessary. It is a human position only. They say that if there is a light placed in the center of the room the best way to reach that light is to go straight to it. Why circle around it time after time? If you go directly to that light and pick it up and incorporate it, you are through with all incarnation and karma completely. It is only man's failure to go direct to the central point or fact of life that keeps him in the "wheel of incessant grind." If he will accept that central fact, which is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, he will have arrived and all his going round and round will have ceased, it will have to come to an end." [Baird T. Spalding: Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East; Vol. IV, Ch. viii-18]
It makes sense in a way, that if one learns a lesson, there will be new lessons after that to learn, until one has learned all of them. But what if there are an infinite number of lessons to learn with all of them implying another infinite variety of lessons yet to be learned? Then one would never reach one's goal, Buddha would never attain Buddhahood, and one could never say "enough with it already --I'm done!" Isn't it easier to just BE, to just remember that everything one can learn and know, in a way is already learned and known? What I say here sounds so simple, and yet.... When I read this quote by Spalding I said to myself "hey, that thought has occurred to me once already... maybe it is not that weird." But yet, to just DO it... that is not so easy It seems... Much Love –Flo
Additional comments from Jeremiah:
Since I have come to understand that it is all NOW, I no longer believe in the serialness implied by re-incarnation. It may appear that way from the 3D perpective inside of separation consciousness, but that too is part of the maya we dream in.Yes, in a general and not specific sense, I align with the thought that we choose the lessons we will experience in each life time. I also feel that the lessons are part of our agreements with the same soul group or family, with each soul essence playing different parts to prepare for the deeper work of this particular time.So, yes, some souls have chosen this lifetime to endure the most difficult experiences and not many of us make it though all the choice points still embodied to arrive at the service intended before birth. Of course death is birth to that whichs is next.
I am discovering the truth of my Human Design as a Manifesting-Generator whereby I'm to await to be asked.. From all that I've re-membered the lessons just “Are.” Attempting to judge them is a function of the mind, which takes us out of our hear space into separation. Embracing all as it arises also allows us to be more conscious manifestors of the reality we desire rather than the unconscious manifestors of our reality that we are currently experiencing.
RE: ” The “forgetting” serves us until it no longer serves us and we have provided ourselves with many ways of remembering. (That's us circling around). Consider what Aley says here. “ Great point. It is my understanding that if a person believes in Hell and that that is their destiny, then that will be their expereince after death until they awaken to who thet really are - and there are others assisting that awakening.
This of course leads to what I am seeing for humanity which will likely be another blog: Our planet and our human consciousness will be going through a veil of energy “soon” where we will all be consciously creating our reality. In that shift, those who have been working to awaken themselves will have what they need out of their own manifesting. Those who haven't will still be in the maya of separation, creating a reality that is as it was before. Many of those will also know that something has changed and will start looking for assistance to awaken from those who have walked through in an earlier wave.